Who dares disturb Czar during his slumbers from the board? E-watchman dares! Very well, some of you seem to be in love with Apocalypse Already Boy... Look ye, upon his works, and despair.
From his latest commentary:
Was E-watchman one of the writers for the 1975 debacle? The same style, the same innuendo, the same quoting of extremist doomsayers to propogate a thinly veiled threat of destruction!So, what does all of this mean? Where are we headed? The Author of the Triple Curve states that the financial system has now entered into the final phase of disintegration. He predicts that the dollar will collapse before the end of the year and that the only undecided outcome is who is going to "eat the paper"?meaning, who is going to absorb the loss?the international financial system or the nations of the world?
Biblical history has a way of repeating itself. Today, the United States is the foremost champion of freedom and human rights. American political institutions stand as a buffer against the more animalistic impulses of empire. The significance of the impending collapse of the dollar-centric financial system is that it has the potential to destroy the last impediment to the imposition of a totalitarian world empire and transform the nations into something much more beastly.
It does not at all seem unreasonable to anticipate that the American king will shortly be facing his battle of Carchemish against the financier-controlled forces of empire.
You rightly despise the WT for 1975 - why do you follow after this mongrel? Senseless ones! Are you this blind that you must seek ANY hand to guide you? Even a blind guide's?
Fine, we have him on record as making a prophecy - that the dollar will collapse by the end of the year. If, by December 31, 2004, the dollar is still standing, will you abandon your beloved mongrel?
Now, to forestall the argument that he is NOT predicting such a thing in surety: if the WT made a statement like this, included and endorsed quotes like that, and said what e-watchman has said - wouldn't we hold it up as an example of their false prophecies? E-watchman critiques the Borg for their misleading innuendo and propaganda, therefore, he must be held to the same standard. He has directly implied that he believes that the dollar will collapse by the end of the year and will result in the rise of a global empire - let's see if he's right.
Malthusians are always wrong.