What's up with so many different translations?

by Meow921 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Meow921

    Thanks so much to everyone who has helped me in my quest to learn! It has all been so helpful....and confusing. Does anyone know who there got to be so many different translations of the Bible? How does one know which translation is "correct"? Some of the different versions, really seem to say different things (like in the whole resurrection thing..was Jesus raised bodily or spiritually).

    Thanks again for all your help. I hope one day this confusion ends!

  • kes152

    Hey Katherine!

    Here's what I was given to share with you:

    "You keep SEARCHING the SCRIPTURES because you think that

    by means of THEM you will have everlasting life..."

    ok... "religious men" have taught us to 'search the bible' in order to "live forever.."

    "And these are the ones that speak of me....

    And yet YOU will NOT come to ME that you may have LIFE."

    John 5:39, 40

    Rather than search 'aimlessly' through scriptures and scriptures ..... Just go directly to the Source.

    Go inside your "temple" and seek the face of the Holy One of Israel through the authority of Jesus the Anointed.

    Have an honest and 'clean' heart when you approach them .... for NOTHING is hidden when you approach the throne.

    Ask the Lamb, whose name is Truth, your question out of a 'clean' heart. If you are not sure if you have a clean heart, ask them to reveal it to you so that you can begin to 'hear' the things coming out of your heart.

    Confess them all and ADMIT to them. Repent of them, and they all will be forgiven you. Then ask your question. LISTEN to the answer that is given to your heart (this usually happens somewhat fast).

    Believe in that answer and your faith in Him will begin to grow. Please, DO NOT DOUBT, for it acts as a 'wall' between you and them.

    If you are unsure of the answer given you .... look in the scriptures what the holy spirit is directing you to read in reference to your question.

    Put faith in that answer and your "true faith" will begin to grow.

    Peace to you,

  • ozziepost

    G'day Katherine, owyergoin' ?

    IMO the number of translations should not be of concern for there are thousands (well, hundreds, at least) of languages in the world today. All language is constantly changing (evolving?). Take the English language as an example. The everyday language of today is far different to what it was in the times of Queen Elizabeth 1, or James 1 for example. You only have to read Shakespeare's plays to see that! That is not to say that a Bible translated in the time of King James is any less worthy than one translated into the modern-day tongue. They are correct for the time according to the common speech of the time.

    Since the Bible was originally written in a tongue we may not understand, it must be very difficult for translators to bring the "flavour" from one language to another. Hence we have many different translations. Some may render particular texts in a way that you personally favour. That's fine, as it enhances your appreciation of the Bible as God's Written Word to you.

    None of this excuses unqualified translators from tampering (by adding words such as "in union with", "other") with the word to support the teachings and interpretations of their own particular religion or cult.

    The Bible, of course, has been translated into hundreds of languages. Which one most accurately reflects the original writing? Who knows? But I'm sure learned men will be continually seeking to bring the Bible to people in its most meaningful and accurate form. And that is how it should be, for God's Word "is alive and exerts power".


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Euphemism

    Meow... it would actually be surprising if there weren't many different translations of the Bible. Check out, sometime, how many different translations there are of other ancient works, like Homer's Odyssey. I can guarantee you there are quite a few. As Ozzie mentioned, it's impossible to perfectly translate the full flavor and meaning of the original into a different language, and so each translation tries to go about it in a somewhat different way.

    Also, unfortunately, the vast majority of translations are biased in some way. The NWT is, undoubtedly, but so also are the most common conservative Protestant bibles, the NIV and the RSV. "Dynamic equivalence" translations, which are less literal and hence clearer and more understandable, also require more interpretation on the part of translators, and hence tend to be more biased.

    So unfortunately, there really is no 'correct' translation. The best that you can do is:

    1. Compare translations. There are sites online with multiple translations, which are very helpful for making comparisons. There are also published Bibles that have various translations, side-by-side.

    2. Get an interlinear. These give the literal, word-for-word translation of a text.

    3. Consult commentaries. The New International Commentaries on the New Testament and the Interpreter's Handbook to the New Testament are excellent resources if they are available at your local library.

    I wish I had easier advice to give you. But if you are truly interested in finding the original meaning of the scriptures, there are, unfortunately, no shortcuts.

    The good news is that the vast majority of Bible verses are not controversial, and are translated with the same meaning by all (reasonably accurate) translators. So for your everyday Bible reading, I say, just pick one translation that you find easy to read, and sit down with it. If a text strikes you, make a note of it; some other time, you can actually do further research into it (using the three steps above, and possibly also concordances and lexica if you are comfortable using them) to make sure of its meaning. But don't let that interfere with the pleasure of simple Bible reading.

  • Euphemism

    D'oh... I didn't realize that this was an old thread that someone had bumped. And now whoever bumped it deleted their post!

    Weirdness prevails...

  • onacruse

    Euph, there was a "spam" issue.

    You offer some interesting comments in your post.


  • evangelist 1
    evangelist 1

    Are all Holy Bibles the same and have the truth or do most bible lie about thge true gospel of Christ and Jehovah?

    If all bible don't contradict itself how can we believe the contexts specially when we are not greek and hebrew scholars?

    if a person get a KJ bible and has no other source to train them in their study ,can the Holy Spirit guide them to the same truth as the JHW or by their study with thier bible they have which is not the New world translation bible of JHW to come to the truth and same doctrine and teaching like the JHW??

    I mean if you read John1:1 in other bibles you will see plainly that Jesus is the Father God Jehovah and not another little god like Jesus , which there is two god's even though the bible teaches there is no other god only one and that is God the Father and there is no little or big God.l

    Can someone explain this in love?

    one love

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