Original International Relay Chat logs of the Bible....
by Country Girl 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Sirius Dogma
<Sirius Dogma> OMFG LOL !!!1
* Sirius Dogma has quit IRC (signed off)
Phantom Stranger
Why is this under "child abuse"?
Country Girl
Oh my gawrsh.. I sincerely apologize! I was reading under Child Abuse, then one of my windows pulled this site up and I just hit Post New Topic. Maybe one of the mods could move this under the Humour section? How embarrassing!
* Jehova has joined #Eden
<Jehova> Now, let's make that man.
* Jehova models some dust and clay
* Jehova breaths in the nostrils
<Jehova> That should do the trick
* Adam has joined #Eden
<Adam> w00t
<Jehova> quite
<Jehova> listen up, adam
<Jehova> I got some trees up there, and one of them is Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
<Jehova> If you eat from that tree, I'll kickban your ass
<Adam> k, dude, relax
<Jehova> Almost forgot, I have some companions for you
* Bunch_of_animals has joined #Eden
<Bunch_of_animals> Boo, hiss, rattle
<Adam> Jeez, great
<Jehova> erm, Adam
<Jehova> You're not supposed to do that with a chickenThis stuff is wicked!