Walking through a "Dark Night of the Soul"

by Sunnygal41 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunnygal41

    From the conception of writing this, to its birth upon reaching you, it has greatly evolved in a very short span of time.

    Some call it The Dark Night of The Soul. Some call it walking through the Tunnel of Darkness. I call it Clan of The Cave Bear.

    These are 3 experiences of darkness, upon our walk in the woods.

    These are dark moments of cleansing and reflecting. They are the moments we experience despair, feeling all alone (notice the all in there), a feeling of walls crumbling down all around us.

    These crumbling walls are the beauty/blessing of the experience that we often overlook and miss. They are the stepping stones to light.

    Many call it a time of "The Dark Forces " or "evil beings" possessing us.

    However one calls it or sees it, I would like to offer some tools of assistance. Perhaps a new perspective as I am a student/teacher of embracing All Things In All Ways.

    Please keep in mind, that these dark nights hold great importance for our growth, our learning journey in EarthSchool, and always bring us to a clearer vision of personal truth and vision. It is our great teacher of experiencing spirit/ hu-man fully.

    In my 2 year exploration In dark and 1 year exploration In black holes as well as the core of Mother Earth, I would like to share my following experiences and guidings. Only recently have I understood that the black hole is the center of Our Galaxy. I sense this is so with Our Universe as well.

    It is the negative female magnetic energy of creation. In short, it is the womb of creation where conception begins.

    So pull up a blanket and snuggle with me as we venture through the halls of darkness together.

    The most common and repeated form of experiencing darkness, is to walk through the tunnel of darkness. ( If we walk through the tunnel with a new perspective, our journey becomes all the more joy-filled.)

    Two of the most frightening aspects of walking through this tunnel is
    1- The Darkness itself. What many perceive as void of light.
    2- The feeling of fear, disparity, despair. The feeling of Be-ing Alone.
    1- There is always light at the end of a tunnel.
    When we enter the tunnel of darkness, it appears to be pitch black, void of all light.

    Take a moment to focus your vision. Take deep cleansing breaths and check again. I promise you, there is a teeny weeny pinhole of light at the end of the tunnel. Always! Breathing deep, set your course towards that pinhole.

    As you bravely walk forward, that teeny weeny pinhole of light becomes larger and larger still. Once you reach it, you find it is yet another doorway. Step through this doorway of dark to light.

    This new light is "the next level", Often seen as the peak of a mountain. However you choose to see it. This brings a new perspective of dark. If you can see the dark in a new perception/conception, giving birth to light, this helps to eliminate much of the fear and anxiety surrounding these times in our life. Thus allowing newly created space for joy.

    2 - My second promise is that you are never alone in the tunnel. It just feels like you are alone. Take a moment to ask for help, for guidance as you walk this path. Breathe away the fear, anger, frustration and allow yourself to see the many hands reaching out to help guide you along. These hands are loving hands, ready to hold you during your darkest moments, your darkest fears.
    If you are too afraid to take hold of them, simply know they are there in loving service for You. Simply know you are not alone.

    One of the most difficult times of darkness is called Dark Night of The soul. This often entails a time of complete solitude. It can be felt with total despair, loneliness, deep fear, anger and or pain.

    We may sleep a lot during this time, or perhaps get ill, throwing our self into bed to rest. These times are often followed by what is perceived as deep loss and or deep cleansings of our roots and core centers. This cleansing frequently takes place in the solar plexus and heart chakra, marking a significance of a half way point. It is often triggered by the breaking of a relationship, loss of job or financial stability; a major CHANGE in day to life. (Remember most do not adjust well to change.)

    Dark night of the soul is represented by The Tower card and or The Death Card in the tarot deck. Often these cards are feared by many. Both cards represent a huge transformation taking place in your life.

    In a more positive light, this metamorphosis can be seen as the caterpillar and the butterfly. Allow yourself the time to sit within the warmth of the womb of the cocoon as the metamorphosis takes place.

    Lastly , within the halls of darkness we meet The Clan of The Cave Bear. With Bears strength we are reminded to hibernate and rest. We are reminded of the sleeping strength resting within.
    We are reminded of the care and attention given to our cubs.
    To the part we call Mother.
    To the part we call nurturer..

    But as with all things, in all ways.
    we are reminded there is a time and season for all.

    We are reminded that bear is the creature of dreams, shamans, mystics and visionaries .

  • Sentinel

    Sunny, I am very familiar with what you have written in your post. I have passed through the dark night of my own soul; and in saying that also realize that the passing never truly ends completely, as long as we breathe.

    Life is a lesson unto itself. We can learn from it and move forward, or we can be stubborn and stay "stuck". There is a time for great stillness and quiet; but it does not mean that the inner self is not connecting with our soul, working very hard at the same time--growing, changing, creating. It is during the time of great turmoil and anguish within our own self, that many things become clear, and answers unfold before us, like secret messages crystal clear to vision.

    I would say to anyone "go into that darkness" willingly and boldly. It is called "letting go". When you face your own self, good and bad, evil and divine, you will be sharpened like a two-edged sword. You will be ready for war, but tuned for peace.

    Love and Light,


  • Sunnygal41
    I would say to anyone "go into that darkness" willingly and boldly. It is called "letting go". When you face your own self, good and bad, evil and divine, you will be sharpened like a two-edged sword. You will be ready for war, but tuned for peace.

    Karen/Sentinel! I loved what you said, but, especially the above. This sounds like the journey of the Sacred or Wounded Warrior/Healer...................

  • LittleToe

    A friend an I were simultaneously going through a "dark night", when he sent me a poem about the double edged sword.

    The double edged passion

    Driven and haunted I followed my passion
    To come to places foreign to me
    Trading rivers for deserts
    Trading friends for strangers
    Trading the known for the unknown

    And thus the double edge
    I'm cut and bleeding
    For my passion may be my downfall
    Or my saviour at the end

    Yet I have no choice then to burn
    For what I am I am
    And to ask me to be in an other way
    Is to ask me to put my passion away

    FLS August 2001

    We would often share Haiku, and trace them back and forth, hence it was only natural for me to reply with a poem of my own (revealing my own preference for Katana).

    The Single Edged Passion

    Walking the edge,
    Life's fine line,
    Is a torturous route,
    Sometimes divine.

    A single slip,
    A single tremour,
    Could mean success
    Or a failed endeavour.

    More often than not
    It leaves us bleeding,
    Hurting inside
    With fathomless grieving.

    Yet love fills the void,
    If we let it fulfill,
    The joy of life
    The lessons instill.

    So will we learn
    To eternally mold,
    Rebalance attention,
    New heart enfold?

    LT August 2001

  • Huxley

    I enjoyed those poems LT,


  • SixofNine

    However one calls it or sees it, I would like to offer some tools of assistance. Perhaps a new perspective as I am a student/teacher of embracing All Things In All Ways.

    Teach me please, Master, how to "Ebrace All Things In All Ways", without getting slapped so often?

  • LittleToe

    Thanks Hux.

    Methinks you like getting slapped, and wouldn't have it any other way

  • Sunnygal41

    Wow! LT, those poems were beautiful............I like yours better.........it has such a wonderful flow to it!

    ahhh, Grasshopper (Six) be choosy of whom you embrace in passion.........or learn how to duck!


  • Sentinel

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Sunnygal,

    In our journey of the dark night of the soul, we can learn to face what we fear the most. Even if we are severely wounded in the heart and looking death of "self" in the eye, we can become the healer of our own broken vessel. Once healed, we can then heal others.

    We may walk with a physical/mental/emotional limp, but our spirit is rich and full. Our suffering, not in vain. We become a wounded warrior/healer.


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