BRAINLOCK ( Minimus,maybe this will help.)

by Blueblades 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    It has often been shown that a person subjected to mind control can be deprogrammed.When an individual or organization puts into place methodologies, including fear of disobedience, and punishment for "disloyalty"in an effort to prevent anticipated attempts at deprogramming from succeeding, this programmed condition is known as "Brainlock."

    A brainlocked individual lives in denial, the same as a mind controlled person, and as a rule there is no wish to rebel, to break out of the restrictive condition, living in a state of perpetual pretense, even in spite of periodic proof of his condition.

    However, if a mind controlled person begins to realize the danger he is in, escape has often taken place with the help of family and friends.Even those who do not experience this awareness can realize release by mere separation from the controlling person or organization.

    From the book "The Four Presidents...."p.185.Minimus,maybe there is something here that can help with your question of concern on how to help them get out.There is more on this subject of Brainlock that I will post later.


  • Hapgood

    Thanks for sharing this Blueblades. That really describes my hubby. I've spent so much time researching the jws and shown him all kinds of shocking things, the U.N., child abuse(he actually watched Dateline), proving the FDS is really nothing but a bunch of controlling old men, history of the Watchtower org., blood issue, disfellowshiping, etc... He wouldn't budge, he still believes with all his heart that the jws are the only true religion. We just end up having a fight. I've given up. He is going to have to have his own "epiphany". I just try to be a happy, loving wife to him, hoping one day he will have his eyes opened.

    Since he won't listen to anything that I have to say, I ask him to just listen and think about what is being said at the meetings, think about what you are reading in the jw literature.

    What hurts me is that I have shown him all this evidence that he can't deny, that he doesn't trust me enough to look into it himself. That's all I ask of him.

    Yep defiantly Brainlocked.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Good point, Blueblades, thanks.

    It's the same with my brother - we just spent several days discussing all the issues that prove JW's don't have the truth or the approval of God - my brother is a very "open minded" and free thinking person.

    He agrees completely that the organization is a cult, but says that not all members are cultists.

    He sincerely feels I have reached a "higher spiritual level" in being able to comfortably leave the organization behind. Says he's not ready yet, and he has asked his wife if she would ever leave, to which she replied she never would. So he will not leave yet, if ever.

    Several times he stated out of the blue how "appreciative" he is for what the organization has "done" for him. What has it done?? He has contemplated suicide many many times, even set a date for it at one time. What he's grateful for is that none of us are dead, in jail, dying of a dread illness (from blood or sex), not in need of drug or alcohol rehab, etc, and no out of wedlock children.

    So what?? I kindly and gently reminded him that none of the above happened to us before we became baptized, either, and that many, many people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses are equally "blessed" for lack of a better word.

    It almost sounded like a mantra type of thing, a self-convincing, reaffirming exercise.

    He has spent 10's of 1,000's of dollars and years in counselling, therapy, and in personal empowerment programs - suffering acute depression most of his Witness life.

    I gave him Crisis of Conscience and he speed-read through it. I gave him a long e-mail I had received from Ray Franz, and he was impressed with dear Ray, calling him "a Master."

    So I was surprised and disappointed this week to receive an email from my brother asking if he could come down and go to the Memorial with ME.

    Like I would ever go to a clown function like that again.

    So, brainlock sounds like the explanation to me.

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