
by Celtic 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    I ought to see one really. Driving along earlier I was when I felt something crunch in my mouth, put my fingers in, few good yanks and twists with a pair of old pliers and out came the beggar, much better than a dentist.

    What are your teeth like and how often do you see the dentist? Do you like the dentist or do you have a horror story to tell?


  • Love_Truth


    I see my dentist for a check up twice a year. I've got an implant, crowns, fillings. You can brush and floss all ye want, but nothing replaces a good maintenance cleaning twice a year by a Dental Hygenist or Dentist. Gotta take care of them teeth, cor blimey!

    Go see a bloody Dentist already!



  • Shutterbug

    I have the best teeth money can buy.

  • Maverick

    In the animal world mammals will last as long as their teeth. Once your teeth go you are not able to digest your food as well and slowly start to decline. I have talked to some Dentist friends and they all agree that the same pathogens that effect the teeth effect the heart. There does seem to be a relationship between the two. I was in an accident and had to have bone graphs and major bridge work and so I take extra care of my teeth. I do have a problem with women that don't have nice teeth. They don't have to be perfect just well cared for. Bad teeth are a turn off! And today there is no reason not to care for your teeth. Maverick who loves to nibble on shoulders, ears, fingers.....

  • Shutterbug

    My store bought teeth nibble just fine, thank you, ask my wife.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I decided to go private a couple of years ago after having a bad experience with my NH dentist. At the first check up he told me I needed to have a root canal redone which cost me 400 pounds before he would take me on denplan. Now I am checked up 3 or 4 times a year and my teeth are pretty good. I haven't had to add to my 7 fillings in the last 2 years.

    Actually I do have a horror story, when I wass about 13 I had a brace, the one with blocks on your teeth and a retaining wire. The wire was 3 ply plaited and decided to break out of the blocks and stuck through my cheek so I took the brace off including the blocks with a pair of scissors. My orthodontist was so pissed off he wrenched the remaining blocks off my teeth cracking the enamel of my front upper tooth leaving me with a dead tooth which is now black. I didn't go to a dentist for 10 years after that and by then my teeth were in bad shape needing a root canal and 5 or 6 fillings, he did cap the damaged tooth though so you cannot see it is bad from the front.

  • bisous

    I have a deathly fear of dentists...very bad experience when I was a girl...anesthetic didn't take...he hit a nerve, I punched him!!

    I gave birth to 2 children with nary a drop of drugs, and quiver in me boots when it comes the the dentist. BUT I force myself to go at least once a year...I have decent teeth and wish to keep them all.

    Mark, go to the dentist, diseased teeth can present other health problems. Don't pull'em out and leave the space...your other teeth will shift around, and you'll have other problems.

    Save your Smile, man!!Dentist

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    I have so many crowns I could be a "Queen"..

    But it is true about the teeth affecting the heart..

    When I had a leaking heart valve I had to take antibiotics before dental work. Now it no longer leaks (Quit smoking 5 years ago) so no more antibiotics...

    (Anybody got a cig?)

    Golden Girl...

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