For Maverick, a............................haha?
by Sunnygal41 9 Replies latest jw friends
Suuny that leaves me feeling a little empty?
Shotgun, lol, this was a response thread on Mav's other thread about "sour pussies"..........not meant to be a gut wrenching type of humor......more dark sarcasm or deep sardonic humor.......
For Maverick:
lol He looks like Jim Carey.......
Actually when I wear my Zorro outfit I look more like the McDonald's Hamburgler than Guy Williams! I could pass for Rich Morales in Spaceballs! Mav
Stefanie, it IS Jim Carrey! I actually was searching for a nice picture of Fire Marshall Bill Burns, but, couldn't find anything!
Mav, may the Schwarz be with you!
Thanks Sunnygal and you too. I broke up with one of my girlfriends and I'm trying to cleanses myself of all the negative energy. I feel relieved actually. Nice girl, just started getting too pushy. Called herself my trophy girl... she was dreaming! When I get into heavy emotional crap I get silly! That's how I deal! Maverick, I guess that's better than shooting her?
Terri your appreciation for Carey is comin' through........I bet you got ALL the Ace Ventura flicks.....
My favorites: "Allllllrighteeeeeeee then.....", "If I'm not back in 10 minutes.................wait longer...." "...Man, you are one pathetic loser".....