Mass Disassociations

by Elsewhere 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Would there happen to be a group here who all attend the same KH? I was just thinking how great it would be for several people to DA in mass... one person per week. Every week for several weeks the elders have to get on stage and announce that so-and-so DAed themselve.

    This would certainly cause a lot of people at the congregation to start asking questions!

  • blondie

    I have heard of whole or half of a congregation "withdrawing" from the WTS. They were DF'd eventually.

    They had the gall to send around a petition and send it to NY re improvements that should be made.


  • gitasatsangha

    I know of a specific congregation that was dissolved over some a dispute, which involved a CO, but I don't know if dissassociations were involved. I do remember that the next CO blurted out that it was wrong for a "hatchet man" to come down and wreck a congregation. It was pretty clear he was talking about the dissolved congregation, and even more shocking that he was referring apparently to the previous CO. I was pretty young, but I remember everyone's eyes were wide as saucers. There was some talk, but no one ever told me what happened with that situation, and I hadn't really thought about it till now. The CO who called another Society rep a "hatchet man" from the platform, was Jessy Cantwell, someone who had no problem excercising his "freeness of speech".

    The congregation that was dissolved was in Mountain City, Tennessee.

  • DanTheMan
    They had the gall to send around a petition and send it to NY re improvements that should be made

    The audacity of some people!!

  • Panda

    I had a friend in DelRio who wrote to the society about some important yet delicate issues ... he eventually DA'd.

    After I DA'd another couple waned from our old Hall and another couple who were friends from another Hall in SA also left. Oh and Mr.Panda waned too, but only after he was asked to step down.

  • DevonMcBride

    I once heard about an elder who took his whole book study group out with him.


  • Stephanus

    Actually, I think an entire congregation starting a "slow fade" all at once would be more spectacular. Suddenly the elders are running around like headless chooks, as everyone's meeting attendances have become irregular. It'd certainly be entertaining...

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    This may be some delirious wandering, but wasn't there a congregation in the US that en masse decided to leave WT, with just a handful remaining 'loyal'?

    The question then arose of what to do with the KH; the majority wanted to keep it for themselves, the minority said it had to remain a KH.

    From memory, it eventually went to court and the JWs won, with the help of some 'big guns' from Brooklyn.

    Can't you just imagine the local newspaper headlines...



  • Freded

    This happened in Bonham, Texas a few years ago. Went to court and the decision was that both the WTS and the "apostates" could use the hall, needless to say the WTS built a new hall along with a new set of "friends" from WTS setup the new hall.

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    Thanks, that was interesting.

    And welcome!



    PS Were you riding your bike on a British road, or were you just overtaking at the time??

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