We've managed to get very heated about the Iraq debacle but noone on either side of the debate has come up with a sensible alternative to the mess Bush has made. So what would you have done if post 911 you were president? Me? I would have invaded Afghanistan and destroyed the Taliban, have got Pakistan onside from day one and ensured that their borders were not porous and would have stayed in Afghanistan until the job was done rather than the poor job done so far. All that has been achieved is rallying the terrorists and helped them recruitmore suicide bombers. COupled with this I would have pressed Israel to accept a two state solution giving the palestinians statehood thus giving them the freedom so many believe was worth invading Iraq for. I would not have turned my gaze towards Iraq until Afghanistan was properly stable and Hanz Blix and the CIA spies working with him had examined Iraq's capabilities and proven the existence or lack thereof of WMD's. What I wouldn't have done is gone off half cocked like Bush and invaded Iraq out of petulence and then lied about it. Any thoughts?
So what would you do?
by Satans little helper 8 Replies latest social current
I'd have been very careful about posting too much political opinion on a forum for Ex JWs that clearly causes alot of disagreements from the higher echolons. And stuck to issues this forum claims to address. Not exciting Bush and Blair bashers at the expense of others opinions.
But thats just my personal opinion.
I'd have walked, naked save for a man-diaper, into the biggest, most symbolic Muslim mosque, arms outstretched and said "men, my brothers, my sisters, we are just people are we not, under one god? Can we make peace, my swarthy excitable friends?" The secret service men following me would have no guns, but rather be carrying baskets of date palms n'shit, and Colin Powell would release two doves from a wooden cage on my cue.
America has not seen a leader like myself since 1914.
edited to show proper respect by spelling muslim correctly *bows*
I would have taken care of Afghanistan, making sure it had a stable government and ridding it of the Taliban and Osama.
I would have asked the American people to buckle up and be prepared for sacrifices, both physical and monetary. I would have told the Saudi Government to clean house because we will not deal with any government that harbors or finances terrorists, the same with Egypt, Syria and so on.
I would require that American Corporations show some loyalty to their country and not just to their wallet.
I would have imposed or asked for a national boycott of all products made in countries that harbor or aid terrorists. I would have recalled our ambassadors and envoys to all countries which harbor or aid terrorists. I would instructed our Navy and Air Force to be prepared to bomb all terrorist camps no matter where they are located. I would have warned the people of those countries to be prepared to be bombed if your government harbors or aids terrorists.
I would have closed the Canadian and Mexican borders until they are able to be made safe. I would require all commercial enterprises to inspect their own merchandise coming into the country otherwise they would be unable to bring their merchandise in. I would hold airlines responsible for making sure their passengers and luggage are properly inspected otherwise their license to fly into or in this country will be revoked.
I would have asked the World Council of Churches to become involved in a solution. I would publicly be asking prominant Muslim clerics if they approve of the actions of Osama.
I would publicly ask Congress to leave their partisan politics behind and act for the good of the country.
I would be asking for a major build up of the military. I would stop all sales of military hardware to any country which I even suspected of dealing with or trading with countries that harbored or aided terrorists.
The list could go on but of course I am not committed or connected to big business, big government, and big liars so it's easy for me to say this.
Great ideas here, but they're all based on the notion that any one world leader at this time has the power to make such sweeping policy changes.
As good ideas as they are, I doubt that an American President could carry out these changes, even if he had the mind to.
Too much red-tape, too many potential enemies to make.
Called Nelson Mandela and asked for his advice.
little witch
If I were President?
Free Beer and a basket of cheesy-fries for everybody!
So what would you have done if post 911 you were president?
I would have double bagged it. I will just say this: I voted for Bush in 2000. I was behind him when he went into Afghanistan. I believed him when he sold his case for war on Iraq. I was sickened by the reckless nature of our attempt to kill one or a few INDIVIDUALS in leadership with bombs. The collateral damage in this Iraq war was disgusting, it was unwarranted and the VERY THING THAT WE WERE CLAIMING TO DEFEND OURSELVES AGAINST. We now know that we never faced any threat via Saddam. He had no WMD, and no known intent to use them on us. We have no evidence of collaberation with terrorists (beyond paying suicide bombers families $25k). So what was our justification for murdering Iraq's families? I will not be voting Bush again. He is a complete tool.
I doubt that an American President could carry out these changes, even if he had the mind to.
Apparently if you are willing and determined enough to lie, monger fear, call dissenters unpatriotic, wrap yourself in the flag, use 9-11 as an excuse to change our entire outlook on the world you can justify provoking and starting wars in the name of national defense.