I've had a few PM's asking about my personal religious beliefs...since my political views are pretty well known.
Essentially, I'm a dyed in the wool Catholic. I respect and admire the pope...and disagree with him from time to time.
I believe the bible is the inspired word of God...but it's neither a history book, nor a science book. Everything in it is written through the hindsight of faith. God COULD have created the world as we know it in 6 days...shoot, he could have done it in a wink...but the God I worship PROBABLY put a little more thought into it...and just as his revelation of self has been "evolutionary" so has our development...and that of the world...God directed...but none the less...the worlds been around for BILLIONS of years I'd think.
There was a first pair (adam and eve) who went through some type of test that they failed...they weren't the first "humans" perse, but I think the story really speaks to God revealing himself to humanity, and this first group accepting him and failing him...and themselves.
I beleive mankind is essentially good...but prone to sin at the same time. I define sin as anything that contradicts the will of God.
I believe Jesus is God's Son and that he is God...I'm Trinitarian.
I believe most abortions are wrong...but that it can be justified in a very few cases
I believe artificial birth control has caused as much harm as good...but that it is not of itself wrong...rather...the reason for using ANY birth control...natural or artificial is what determines it's "wrongness"
I believe being gay is NOT a sin anymore than being heterosexual is not a sin ...I do believe that engaging in same gender sex IS a sin...as is fornication and adultery..."all gays are NOT going to hell...anymore than all married people are going to heaven" God is the judge and he is a merciful God.
Priests should be allowed to marry if they choose (vis a vis the Orthodox Church)
Other Christians go to heaven.
Jews are STILL God's chosen people inspite of what the WTBTS and some Fundie Christians think...and they to go to heaven...in fact...all who seek God with a sincere heart CAN go to heaven...but again...God is the judge there...not me.
The Eucharist IS Jesus body and blood...really.
I know I open myself up to attack and ridicule by stating this...I won't defend against most if any of the attacks...that's not the purpose of starting this thread...so if you're looking to argue...go elsewhere...I will answer legitimate and sincere questions though.
I've failed at many of the things I've mentioned here...I won't mention them all...that would be silly...but I'm a sinner as well as a christian...it's the struggle that makes life so much fun.