Thanks all for replying. As far as addressing selection bias well some would argue the whole study is biased what with me being an ex myself yes? Lucky I'm a sociologist:) I simply "write" myself and my methodology into the research. I'm working on the back end of my methodology chapter at the moment and have, for the most part, used snowballing techniques, i.e. people here of my work in the area and get interested, they tell their ex /JW friends and acquaintances etc.
ALL research is bloody biased as I like to say...the myth of the cool remogved researcher is simply that...a myth. My work is more a look at, through the words of the Witnesses themselves and qualitative research how
1)Jw's fit into the fundamentalist framework despite their vigourous objections
2)What the positioning of women within the faith says about its mindset, through their own words, publications etc.
3)What women themselves have to say about being a JW
4)What this says for the wider social milieu and connections that can be made between personal experience and wider social of course religion. Lots of theory all written, I hope in understandable language.
First draft is up in a couple of months, revisions etc and it will be done done by southern hemisphere spring. I"m really pleased...and yes publication is looking good.
Not bad for the little girl from Prince George British Columbia Canada who up until 1996 had nothing but year 10 a GED in her pocket AND faith in herself:)
PS: there was someone on here who, in 2001 when I was beginning the PHD called me a liar, said you couldn't do a PHD straight out of a bachelors (u can with an A+ average) and said I wasn't "intelligent" enough. Well, mate... if you're still here, just wanted to let you know its about to be completed, on full scholarship, and I"m a uni lecturer as well AND as the Aussies say....STIFF SHIT! (grin) As if we didn't get shot down enough as women within the faith, we sure as hell don't need it outside! Just a bit of very human piss taking:)