Cliffords Really Big Movie..

by flower 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • flower

    I almost always review movies before I take my son to a movie or rent a video not just to make sure its appropriate for a 4 year old but also because I like to know if I'm going to be bored out of my mind right from the beginning. Finding Nemo was great, Brother bear was a snoozefest.

    Obviously the content was fine but I wanted to see just how bored I would be as I suffered through Cliffords Really Big Movie which he somehow caught an ad of and wants to see. Clifford the big red dog you may remember from books as a kid (if you are my age) currently a popular tv show for preschoolers on PBS. Eternally corny and boring for adults but teaches kids little lessons and entertains them. I knew it would be bad but how bad...

    I like to get my reviews from other people who have seen the movies. Even though everyone has their own opinion you can get a good idea of how a movie is by what everyone is saying.

    So I typed in Google and clicked on the first hit which gave me a bunch of reviews of the movie from parents of preschoolers. Woohoo. Heres a couple that popped up.

    Neutral - ...not suitable at all for children. I saw this with my daughter, age 6, and I was appalled. There was alot of sexual content but, children probably would not pick up on this. I still feel children should not be exposed to this though. Also, T-Bone used some crude language. I am sorry that the movie had to but in this objectional content because it teaches young children to have good values. I would only recommend this movie if you feel you and your child are able to withstand some objectional content. For adults though this is a great movie. My husband and I enjoyed it! My Ratings: [Average/4]
    --Dave Williams, age 37

    Neutral - I feel that Cliffords Really Big Movie is not suitable for young children. I saw this with my son, age 4, and I thought it was somewhat offensive. I know that it is hard to think that Clifford could be offensive but, there were some sexual references that were "hidden". Children most likely would not catch these but, I still do not want my child hearing them. Also, my four year old was scared after he saw this movie because of the "villains". I would only recommend this movie if you feel your kids can handle some scary action and if you feel comfortable allowing your children to hear some "hidden" sexual references. My Ratings: [Average/3]
    --Greg Johnson, age 36

    It wasnt till after my shock wore off that I realized I had hit on a CHRISTIANS movie review site. Gotta love how they find fault with anything and everything and manage to suck any kind of enjoyment out of life even for children. Can you say "get a life"?

  • bisous

    OMG, flower....what were the evil sexual references they were referring to?

  • simplesally

    That naughty T-Bone was probably flirting with Cleo again!

  • Gopher

    I saw this movie with my 5-year-old daughter and she loved it! I felt the movie was wholesome and not too scary -- just the right amount of adventure for a little kid.

    I am either naive and totally missed the sexual references, or else those "Christian" folks are nitpicking and probably would find something wrong with Mary Poppins.

    By the way -- if you want a NON-CHRISTIAN website that reviews the appropriateness of movies for children, go to However, this site messed up and didn't include "Clifford's Really Big Movie" among their reviews. But they usually include all movies that are widely released throughout the United States.

    I always go to this website before deciding whether to bring my child to a particular movie.

  • flower

    Bisous, I havent been able to find any sexual reference on any of the other review idea.

    Gopher, thanks for the link. Heres another good one that I have used in the past .

    Oh and by the way, just out of curiosity I decided to see what the christians had to say about some of my sons other favorite movies. Most were pretty good but heres a review of Lady and the Tramp II..just makes me shake my head. I dont even know JW's who are this anal retentive

    All in all, Lady and the Tramp seems to be an inoffensive, even fun piece about simple love in the animal kingdom. Yet, one must consider the rather disturbing theological implications such a piece holds. First, the movie only reinforces the materialistic concept about "love at first sight" and similarly shallow views towards existence. As if humanity should base its principles of pure love on appearances. More offensively, the movie portrays "talking animals", a concept reserved in the instance of Balaam's donkey. In this case, the donkey was under direct inspiration from God, something we most definitely should NOT assume with "Lady and the Tramp." I see this movie as propaganda from the animal activist groups who wish to anthropomorphize animals to the level where we believe they have a soul. This is clearly not the case Biblically. "Lady and the Tramp" is indeed non-violent, even cute. But just as "Highlander" is offensive due to theological inaccuracies, so this movie must be taken in a similar light. Cheers.
    --Nicholas Calamari, age 21

    heres what a couple of people had to say about 101 Dalmations....

    I appreciate the idea of a film/critical review format. I think it's needed BUT, I do think that supporting a film with someone such as Glenn Close is pretty risky!! Ms. Close has also played some very risce roles, i.e., Ms. Camelmeyer (a lesbian inductee to the armed services), and I think that should be pointed out. Viewers should be aware of her morally bankrupt views and that supporting this film supports her financially. I would much rather support others, like Dean Jones, who has really been good about limiting his acting roles to (those that are "family friendly" and Biblically commendable overall). Thanx.
    Jason Dack

    I took my five year old son to see this movie and he was terrified. It should have been rated PG. Cruella's evil character was too real...Kellie Griffin, age 26

  • Mulan
    I like to know if I'm going to be bored out of my mind right from the beginning.

    I know what you mean, Flower. I usually enjoy kid's movies, but am resistant to going to them on purpose. I didn't even like them when I was a kid. Ihated Bambi and Snow White, Cinderella............too sad I guess. Go figure.

  • flower

    Yea I hardly ever get to see real movies sucks! Fortunately, they seem to be trying to make animated kids films a little more entertaining for all ages. I enjoyed Ice Age, Finding Nemo, The Emperors New Groove, and Monsters Inc.

    Theres nothing good out now for kids though. I'm gettin a sitter tonight so I can go see Angelina Jolie in her latest. I just love her!

  • mouthy

    Well I dont think I would listen to what "so called" Christians say... about anything.Only as to their view -I wouldnt go by it unless I really trust the teller) look at the contoversy going on about adult movie "Passion of Christ"( among folks who call themselves Christians. ) I have been told I am not really a Christian because I wont go to see it.

    I believe the saying " Christians shoot there wounded"

    Millions of folks call them selves Christian but I find the proof is in the "Walk not the Talk...."

    Talking about movies When I was a JW I went to see "Carry on Camping" A Limey film___ to ME so funny!!!! It was a nudist camp- Well I was servelly critized for going to see it....I guess I am a real weirdo Christian.... Oh well I hope you enjoy your film tonight. It wont be anywhere like my Tom Jones last night.......LOL

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