are not on the minds of "wordly" people at all? When I was a JW, I believed the JW speak that non JW's were preoccupied with thoughts of persecuting, us or whatever. The WT has members believing they are the center of the universe and all the world is intent on watching them. After leaving and getting to know non witnesses I've come to see that none of them really know anything about JW's or their beliefs. Nobody gives a crap either. They ofter refer to them as a cult. period. Yet the witnesses are so preoccupied with themselves and their pathetic views of intolerance of others who do not believe as they do. Even thier conversation is preoccupied with themselves. It is so refreshing to be out of all that and have friendships not based on what my spiritual standing is, and be judged by how good I can speak thier "language".
Have you found that Witnesses........
by ARoarer 6 Replies latest watchtower bible
#It is so refreshing to be out of all that and have friendships not based on what my spiritual standing is, and be judged by how good I can speak thier "language".#
Barb, of course you're talking about the (cough) "pure language" aren't ya? LOL!
Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying here and I totally agree!
Yes Barb you are 100% correct. Until I met my JW friend, the only thing I knew about the Witnesses were that they were holy rollers who went door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses were the last thing on our minds.
Dead on Darlin'! This false sense of self-importance is vital to these silly people. And the higher up they are in the food chain the more they need to believe they are targets of the Devil and his minions! The fact that the Devil and his agents are quite happy with the WTS is totally beyond their scope of reality. Maverick
I totally agree...I have thought of that several times since I left. I was even afraid that people who weren't witnesses who knew me as a witness would think about why I was not being a witness anymore. But I found out that nobody thinks twice about someone quitting their "church" it is not big deal at all to them--so you just got tired of it or whatever and moved ahead onto something else. It is that whole stumbling thing that we were brainwashed into thinking--that whatever we did as witnesses would be viewed by the world as we were spectacles to the public...but now i found out they didn't think about it much at all...
franklin J
I know exactly what you mean. JWs all have a persecution complex. They are taught that to "prepare for the persecution".
Non JWs just live their lives, and "tolerate" JWs, the same as they tolerate other door to door salesman. It is a free country and JWs are just another "middle tier" religion; among so many others. Life goes on; the world still turns; Jehovahs Witnesses and all of their "man made, self inflicted persecutions" are such an ineffectual part of it....
hope you are well, Frank
I agree too, ARoarer! Absolutely true. What an eye-opener stepping out of the little organization into the big wide world!