Last night i convinced my jw husband to start using the computer. I am not good with it but enough to get the info. that i need. For him this is a really big deal, he seemed scared at first ,probably because their are all apostates on the web and a demon may jump out to get him. I have read on this forum how so many have learned the truth about the jw cult by looking on the internet if they have any doughts in their minds, i am not saying he has doughts but maybe. Would it be weird if some how the the UN page just poped up.
My husband is using the web
by kls 8 Replies latest jw friends
Here's a cool site on 607 . . .
<Therefore, the date 607 BC becomes the critical date in question. Was 607 BC the date when Jerusalem fell? No, it wasn't. No Bible scholar and no archaeological scholar holds to that date. The correct date is 586 B.C., not 607 B.C. Therefore, the Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong about 1914 and everything else they attach to that date based on their prophet misunderstanding. Let's verify further that 607 B.C. is the date used by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society before we establish the counter evidence.>
I was a PC Newbie a couple years ago.
The very first thing I did was prowl the internet for anything JW related. I came upon this forum immediately.
Take it slow with your matey, and he just might surprise you. JW's are very defensive because of all that is at stake. If he can privately search, without saying or doing anything openly, he may find his answers, just like Ian and others on here.
I know your heart must be pounding!
kls, here's hoping that your hubby will do some investigation into this religion using the computer and find out the truth about the "truth". That's what I did. But my hubby is another story.
My hubby (a jw) works in the IT department at his job (works with computers). He's uses the Internet all the time to get information for his job at work. I've shown him stuff about the jws from non-apostate sites, done tons of research. You would think that with his computer background and him using the Internet at work to get information that he would look into the things that I have shown him. No way, he just sticks his head in the sand. It's enough to make me scream! He's so stubborn.
Garybuss and Dansk that's what I'm working on now to prove to my hubby that the 607 date is false. It's probably a waste of my time, that's why I have been putting it off. I have found alot of good information that I want to put together to show my hubby. Then I'm done, I give up.
Sentinal, yes my heart is pounding but it always does when i think there is hope but i am not going to get my hopes up to high. I have done that to often just to be let down depressed and crying,
kls: Yes, as a lifer I know, we were bred to be people filled with fear and fighting (yes, against everything) and suppressing our thoughts & emotions - my husband and I had the usual doubts that any thinking person would have. We had started to fade out with meeting attendance, still using our brain along the way, not becoming "people of debauchery" as you are led to believe would happen. Our actual first step with reading anything was a book called, "When God becomes a Drug" about religious addiction and the shame, GUILT, and fear that come along with being out of balance in a religion. Weren't we indoctrinated to believe we were to be balanced, but really, is any JW balanced when their religion takes them over in the way it does? Also, it didn't take a rocket scientist to look around and see that we all WERE NOT the happiest people around! There is much information about the amount of mental illness found among JW's - Jerry Bergman's book: "Jehovah's Witnesses and the Problem of Mental Illness" points out that the rate is 7 times higher among JW's! How many do you know that are on meds of all sorts for depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc.? My JW father killed himself one year ago, surrounded by the bound volumes for the past months of his life, while searching for the "proper view" on everything - Turns out he had relied on THEIR thinking for all his years and had squashed his own to his ultimate detriment.
Everybody's journey is their own - we are all unique individuals just haven't ever been taught to fully appreciate that - therefore, the homogenous group syndrome...can be so difficult to break away from....but once the journey begins- IT IS A LIFESAVER! Be patient with your husband and the truth will set you free.
kls...if he doesn't know you are posting here then you need to make sure you logout when you are through posting. You see if you type in Jehovahs Witness in your location bar or do a search on it we WILL pop up within the first 4 or 5 hits. If he clicked through then he would be logged in under your screen name. If that is you didn't logout, because the cookie the board sets automatically logs you on. Just thought I would throw that in.
About the UN thing...maybe you could start a discussion on whether it would matter to him if they were associated w/the UN. Then if he said ya...take him to the UN site and let him use his own discernment. If it doesn't bother him then you may want to start somewhere else. In any case...crawl...then baby steps, then ...well I know you get it. Cheers and have a good day.
District Overbeer
It was after I gave up on my wife and decided to get on with my life and leave her to bookstudy on Tuesdays, ministry school and service meeting on Thursday, some social invitation of Friday that excluded me, service on Saturday morning, and talk and Watchtower study Sundays, that she noticed and paid attention. Before that, it's like she enjoyed the contention and strife. When the conflict ended is when she got interested in it all.
I think she enjoyed the high ground and going off without me and our debates but it seems like doing it all without me held no magic for her. She was more dedicated to the fight than being a Witness.