All My Family is Having a Bad Year

by Undecided 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    HI All,

    My step daughter's is having their house taken from them because of his signing a note for his dad. They live in VA in the country. My step son just had his social security taken untill August because social security made a mistake.He is disabled because of a back injury. My wife's niece's son was just taken to the hospital in serious condition. My daughter's bid on a house she wanted fell through.

    I just don't see any good news comming anytime soon.

    Ken P.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    hang in there Ken,

    things change. My wife and I had a year like that too; except in our case; people all around us ( familly members) were dying. We kept up a good sense of humor ( to the best of our ability) and a regular cocktail hour ( somewhere in the world it must be 5:00; cocktail hour! lets have a drink!)

    things happen for a reason, Frank

  • blondie

    I just remind myself there are no suicide bombers in my neighborhood and I can take the bus to work without worrying that it might blow up.

    I'm glad that I wake up each morning and know I have food for the day.


    Don't kick me.

    Since my husband almost died, I take things more in stride.

    Spring is here, folks. Remember to consider the flowers.


  • Undecided

    Thanks Frank and Blondie,

    I just need to think of the good things I enjoy each day, worrying just doesn't help anybody. The little 16 month old boy has diabetes, he passed out and they diagnosed him with that problem. He will need two shots a day of insulin.

    At least I won at bowling again today.

    Ken P.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Wow Ken, no kidding! Tough year indeed.

    Glad to hear that you are trying to take things in stride.

    Hopefully things are on the upswing for you and your family!



  • bebu


    Sorry to hear about all that. Sometimes it seems that when it rains, it absolutely pours! I wish things could be different for all your relatives.

    I'm thankful that the little guy could get medical intervention... I always think about how glad I am for modern medicine.

    Hang in there, Ken. This, too, shall pass.


  • FreePeace

    Hey Ken,

    I'm sorry things are not going so well. I just want to say that I've always appreciated the posts you've written and your general approach to religion after leaving the Dubs. I always try to read your posts, and have for the past few years.

    My dad always liked the saying, "This too shall pass." I don't say it much, but I know it is true. I wish I could offer some magical words to cheer you up, but at least know that you are appreciated.

    My best,

    Doug Kelley

    P.S. Did I ever send you my book? It seems like I did. Let me know.

  • Undecided


    I have your book, thanks, it was interesting and helpful. I don't worry as much as my wife, I usually can cope pretty well but she let's things affect her too much. She says I'm too self centered but I think I'm more balanced than she is. You can't solve your family's problems. You can only do what you are able to do to help.

    Ken P.

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