Some thoughts on the "anti-occupation" rally on 3/20/04

by L_A_Big_Dawg 1 Replies latest social current

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    Just some thoughts on the rally.

    I attended this rally to see and educate myself. I took the subway to Hollywood to avoid the parking and traffic problems. While on the train, I met some of the protesters. Many had signs that contained vulgar remarks towards President Bush. I asked one of the protesters why she couldn't make her veiws known without such vulgarities. She looked at me blankly and stated that I was a pro-republican, facsict a-hole.

    I got out of the station and made my way to Hollywood and Vine. The crush of people was incredible. I made my way through the crowd, and saw many signs, most of which I found amusing. People were pleasant for the most part and well-mannered. My preconception was shattered, as I expected a slogan chanting rabble.

    As I watched the parade, I saw how hypocritical the far left truly is. They were all for their right to protest, but when faced be those that were counter-protesting (CP from now on) they began to demand that the CPs be removed. To their credit, the LAPD did not do as they requested.

    I saw the protesters calling the CPs fascists and nazis. Giving them the naxi salute as they passed these people.

    The parade soon ended and as I walked, on the of the protesters yelled at a CP that the CPs were wrong because there were so few of them and so many more of the protesters. I walked up to that man, and asked him if that meant that might makes right? He looked at me and didn't have a response.

    After grabbing a bite to eat, I walked down towards the stage to listen to the rhetoric. It was filled with anti-capitalist, anti-American, pro-Palestinian, pro-Hussein, rants.

    It was during this time that I had my discussion with the pro-Palestinian, that I mentioned in a previous post.

    That's all I'm going post now, but I'll post more reflections if there is an interest

  • LucidSky

    Big Dawg, Interesting to hear your experience. I think total allegiance to an ideology is dangerous, regardless of it being right or left. Ideology should be tempered with reality and the reality is we are in Iraq.

    I don't agree with those that say we should "end the occupation" -- when the US toppled Iraq's government we commited to helping them back up. We must live with the decisions that have been made. The protesting may reiterate how lopsided the original decision was and may stress greater UN involvement though -- something I would also like to see.

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