
by Amazing 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    I was in the WTS web site and decided to see what their search engine would do for me. So, I plugged in the words "masturbation" and then "masturbate" in hopes of finding the famous 1973 WT article that dealt with the topic. It returned no results. So, I plugged in the term "self abuse" since I recall that the WTS seems to prefer that term most often. The following were the articles that matched that search. I am rather surprised that so many diverse articles would contain some thought on self abuse aka masturbation I did not read the articles yet, but I found the titles a little amusing considering that they contain something supposedly relevant to masturbation. After each title I thought of adding some of my own notes, but decided that the titles speak for themselves:

    Documents containing: self abuse

    Some Indicators of Suicide
    Motivations for Suicide
    Is Your Life-Style Killing You?
    Suicide-A Scourge of Young People
    Diagram: Suicide--Risk Factors and Warning Signs
    What Has Been the Result of Rebellion?
    Harsh Words, Crushed Spirits Masturbation will get you DF'd!
    When All Eyes Seem to Be Upon You Don't masturbate in public!
    What Is Behind Eating Disorders?
    Suicide--Given a Desire to Live
    Sexual Harassment-How to Protect Yourself
    Sexual Harassment-A Global Problem
    Looking Up, Not Down, for Answers Okay!
    When Hope and Love Vanish
    When Hope and Love Return
    You Have the Right to Choose
    What Is the Purpose of Life? How Can You Find It?
    Soon, No One Will Be Poor! They got back to work and stopped masturbating

    The reason for this search was that Farkel published a humorous reply to the 1973 WTS. I thought I had Farkel's article saved. I guess I will have to dig into my old boxes and find the original and try to find a hard copy of Farkel's article. It is worth the read. - Amazing

  • LadyBug

    They forgot to tell us we'd go blind if we played with ourselves!


  • Francois

    I remember when they told me about going blind. I said, "Can I just do it until I need glasses?"

    Talk about your lack of a sense of humor.


    My $0.02

  • LDH

    Do they have that available in the Braille edition yet?

  • LadyBug


    "Can I just do it until I need glasses?"

    I read this 5 minutes ago and still can't stop laughing. Are they sun glasses or seeing glasses your wearing? lol


    "Do they have that available in the Braille edition yet?"

    Sorry can't help, I only wear glasses.

    No seriously, thats self abuse [8>]


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