Why do you shun your family members who have chosen to leave Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs)?
I am asking this question because I am personally so hurt by the attitude of my JW family toward me now that I'm not attending the meetings. I've chosen another religious path. They do speak to me (after all, I am not disfellowshipped or DA) but yet every now and then I see how they really feel. If I was DF or DA, I'm sure they'd desert me.
This situation is not what Jesus taught us about. The bible says that we should pray for unbelievers, and win them over by our actions. Also, think about how the bible says God views the "world".
John 3 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, [1] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
So look at the first part of this verse. It says that even when we were not already believers, God loved us so much he would send his Son. Even before we believed it says that he sent him, giving us the chance, loving us even though he didn't know what path we'd choose. In the end, it is GOD who decides (according to that scripture) who will perish.
The Watchtower society says that those who choose to leave are to be cut off for their own sake and the sake of the congregation. This isn't scriptural. The bible talks of not having a meal with certain evildoers. The thing is, this isn't talking about those who may be weak or stumbled, it isn't talking about those who have voluntarily stopped attending meetings and it isn't talking about those who don't follow the "Watchtower" rules. There is a clear distinction between the Watchtower rules and the bible guidelines. The "Society" didn't exist in those days as it does today, and the basis of belief was the bible. Anything outside of the bible was not accepted (very strictly speaking - remember revelation where it warns about adding to the pages of the bible?).
Doesn't the bible also tell us not to look at the straw in someone else's eye, and ignore the rafter in our own? Ex JWs are not all "evil" and are not all "liars". Not one person who walks this earth is perfect, yet my JW family members seem to feel justified in saying that I'm a liar and that I only left JWs because "I can't live up to the high standards". Considering that I'm not guilty of evildoing, I wonder how they can judge me so harshly. Maybe its because they've been taught to hate those who have left the JWs.....and who taught them that? The Watchtower society.
JWs - where is your love? It is not loving to treat someone as though they're dead. It is not loving to have families separated, children without mothers and fathers, all in the name of the Watchtower society. Jehovah God as described in the bible is spoken of as a loving Father, ready to guide and forgive, and in contrast the society won't forgive until someone has been shunned and humiliated, ostracized and downtrodden.
Next time you, "Representative of Jehovah", decide to self righteously condemn (even in your thoughts) someone else who is not JW anymore, just think about the fact that you are actually representing the Watchtower society - not God - and in doing so you are hurting the people who will love you, now and in the future, no matter what you do.