Hello, I am looking for some quotes about JW's restoring the earth to paradise conditions. I am talking to a long time witness and showing him the fallacy of the paradise earth. How will all the witnesses clean up all the buildings and rubble, especially since there will be no heavy machinery? Who will build the houses? Where will they get the lumber? Who will make all the clothing, etc. He says 'Jehovah will take care of it' but from what I remember reading in the WT, it says the JW's will do the work. Any help? I looked at quotes.jw.com but couldnt find a paradise category.
Need Paradise Quotes
by Unclepenn1 9 Replies latest jw friends
The most obvious to me would be the title of the red book, You Can Live Forever on A Paradise Earth.
You gotta love that about JWs... anytime you point out a blatant problem with their reasonings their knee-jerk response is always: "Don't worry, Jehover will take care of it." or "Don't worry, Jehover would never allow that to happen."
No fader, I am looking specifically for quotes that deal with the JW's restoring the earth, and not some soverign act of God to clean it all up.
Try this site:
I don't know that I've heard that it will be JW's, most i know believe we'll do the foot work, but that we will need help to actually accomplish it. Obviously a person couldn't empty landills or fix the ozone.
I attended meetings for over 45 years and the WTS is very cautious about putting anything detailed about the "how" of restoring the practical aspects of the "new world." Once in awhile an artist will slip and put a gas tractor in a picture. People (almost always men) will be shown building a new house. There is never an indication of roads or vehicle to transport the building material there.
The WTS is deliberately vague. Some individual JWs will speculate about what it will be like, some more definite than others. I have seen JWs argue back and forth whether animals will be hunted for food or raised and killed for food. I was one of those who thought it was a given that humans would not kill animals. But I found many JWs will say that is not so, even though the WT literature seems to support it. Will there be cars/trucks? If so who will pump the oil and maintain the equipment, who will process the oil into gas, who will transport it, who will operate the local pumps? Especially, when everyone wants to be pursuing their personal paradise. Will the earth support every human having their own horse for transportation? Will that be less polluting? Who will see to it that electricity flows from the central plant to your house to turn on the lights when you flick the switch?
Many JWs will shut down and get quiet and change the subject after being confronted about these questions. They will just say that God will handle it.
So look but I doubt that you will find much except some pictures.
I have looked but there is little. But ask a JW to speculate a little....you'll get more info.
2 Tim 2 : 23
"Turn down down foolish and ignrant questionings, knowing they produce fights"
That scripture is the standard stock answer for when somebody asks"How is it going to be done?.. After all, dont we have faith in Jehovah?. Our father knows how it will all be done and in his own due time he will tell us what we need to know. Instead let's concentrate on the ministry and not be sidetracked......."
Indeed if your faith is firmly in the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit one does not need a rational explanation of "How?" and the WTBTS have been too savvy than to create one
WTS speculation: Notice how they leave out which "relics" would have any useful purpose, who would do the adapting, how would they do since JWs are discouraged from pursuing any advanced education?
w89 8/15 14 Opening Up the Way Back to Paradise
20 But what of all the war equipment that the nations will leave behind? In view of the symbolic indication of the length of time it will take to dispose of the combustible parts of them, the quantity will be enormous. (Ezekiel 39:8-10) Armageddon survivors may be able to adapt the materials of any remaining war relics of the nations to useful purposes.?Isaiah 2:2-4.How's this for not speculating:
g80 2/22 14-15 Energy Prospects for the Future ***
It is not our purpose here to speculate on details that only the future will disclose. However, reasoning on Bible principles indicates that some forms of energy are more compatible than others with the life-style we expect to prevail in the new system of things.First, consider that the earth is to be made a paradise. Nothing will be allowed to mar the beauty or cause pollution of that worldwide Edenic garden.?Luke 23:43; Rev. 11:18.
We have seen how the widespread use of coal defaces the countryside, both where it is mined and where it is burned. Also, commercial mining of coal is physically dangerous and deleterious to the health of the miners. The present-day fouling of the air is caused largely by excessive use of petroleum fuels. Chemists have discovered that the great variety and complexity of hydrocarbon molecules in petroleum provide a starting point for the synthesis of all kinds of useful and marvelous substances. It really shows an utter lack of appreciation for this natural treasure to destroy it by ruthlessly burning it.
Remember, too, that nothing will be allowed to cause harm or even the fear of disaster to earth?s inhabitants. (Mic. 4:4) The potential for harm inherent in the use of nuclear power would seem to make it undesirable for the new earth.
Considering that man is to live forever upon the earth, we would expect his energy to be drawn from sources that will not be used up faster than they are formed. (Ps. 37:29; Eccl. 1:4) This also would preclude the extensive burning of coal or oil, as well as the fission of uranium. It favors instead the use of renewable energy sources. In Ecclesiastes 1:5-7, the cycles of nature are highlighted, by which everything is maintained and renewed. Man?s energy should logically be secured from things that fit in with these natural cycles, things that will never run out. Note that in these verses of Ecclesiastes, sunlight, wind and running water are each specifically mentioned as things that are continually available. (Note also Job 38:24-27.) Each of these can be used as sources of power that are constantly renewed. Moreover, they are clean. They do not pollute the natural surroundings. The means of using them can be blended harmoniously into the landscape.
Another point to consider is that commercial exploitation of natural resources for profit will not survive the end of this system of things. The incentive to develop various sources of energy will be, not the love of money, but love for fellowman. (1 Tim. 6:10; Matt. 22:39) This principle will put an entirely different outlook on the comparative desirability of various energy sources from that which prevails in the present economic system.
Finally, and above all, everyone alive will acknowledge his dependence on Jehovah for life and for all the good things that make life enjoyable. Jehovah is the ultimate Source of every kind of energy, and this source is infinite and inexhaustible. (Isa. 40:28-31) As "the Father of the celestial lights," he is the Creator of the sun, which provides light and heat unceasingly as his loving gift to mankind.?Jas. 1:17; Ps. 74:16.
Jehovah invented the nuclear process that gives the sun its power. He understands and controls it perfectly. He has fueled it for billions of years ahead. Before the fuel burns out, he can replace it just as easily as we take off an old garment and put on a new one. (Ps. 102:25, 26) There would be no crisis in solar energy.
Wow Blondie, thanks for the info. I will look it over when I have more time here at work. You are the quotes Queen! Thanks a bunch!