Choose the JW lifestyle or literal death

by franklin J 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Interesting premise:

    Euphemism had an interesting thread yesterday about monotheism and pluralism . And it got me to thinkings about our experiences in escaping JWs and the Watchtower. Yes, we escape with our physical lives. Compare this to the Dark Ages when the church had temporal powers. You converted and conformed or you were executed. ( Remember the history lesson about the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition?)

    Our pluralistic society gives us a choice. And when we realize that we want to leave the JWs, we literally leave; mend our lives; heal and move on.

    But what if the Watchtower HAD the power to convict and execute us for our "apostasy". Would we "play the game" or face death? For me; with 3 children to think of, I would beg forgiveness and repent; do anything to get back in good standing ( anything for my kids). But the thought of being at the mercy of such ignorant stunted excuses for humanity with such narrow vision and wisdom is horrific. ( " burn witch, burn")

    What would anyone else do? Would you choose certain death?

  • Sassy

    Well when I made the decision to quit last July, I had not yet been enlightened. I thought I was condemning myself to death which could be eminant since Armegeddon could be ANY TIME.

  • blondie

    In America the WTS, through pressure of conformity, there is freedom of choice, but nothing to choose from.
    Peter Ustinov Blondie (1921 - )
    As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is up to us.
    A. J. Toynbee
    Choice in the WTS is an illusion, created between those with power, and those without.
    Wachowski Brothers, The Matrix Reloaded

    Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.
    Jerry Garcia

  • CeriseRose
  • Elsewhere

    I would chose death. While I was wanting out of the bOrg, my depression was so bad that I almost killed myself.

  • CeriseRose

    *growl* okay instead of editing my post, it deleted it. anyway... What I had said was that I, like Sassy, left without understanding of the wrong doctrine and failed prophecy history of the WTBTS. So I left in full knowledge that I would die at Armageddon. I don't have children, so I suspect if others' lives were involved, especially lives in my care, that may have been different. I don't really know, so it's hypothetical at best. When I left I figured that living life on my terms, even if that only meant 5 minutes, was better than living forever on theirs. I still believe that.

  • shamus

    I would choose death.

    If living like that is paradise, it sounds more like hell. Imagine the control that they would have over you in "the new system", LOL! What would happen if you didn't go to all the meetings? Would they stone you to death?

    No thanks.

  • nojudgement

    I also left with the 100% belief that I would be destroyed at Armageddon. As many have said in this thread before me, I would rather have 5 years, 5 months, 5 minutes...of a life where I felt free to be me and love who I want and not be under all of that pressure...than a life time of meetings, service, and all the other stuff. It's a lot easier to throw up your arms and say "uncle" - then continue to struggle so hard. I don't want to be Paul who had to pummel his body everyday and lead it as a slave. I'd rather just be me. If Jehovah feels that is a reason to destroy someone...then so be it. Somehow, I can't believe such a loving God would want us to suffer so much and then destroy us in the end. It's like that scripture that said "PROBABLY you will be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger." Probably?!?!? All of this for probably???

    I am grateful for this site that is slowly helping me to believe that maybe it wasn't the truth. Just maybe God will look at me as an individual and judge my heart. I leave it in His hands. I'm fine with his decision. Until then...I'm relieved to be free!

    And Franklin, I have always enjoyed reading your posts...I'm a Newbie, but I appreciate your thoughtful answers to people's dilemnas. You always seemed balanced and even-keeled. You would have made a great elder! ;-) Is that a picture of you on the beach holding a beer? That is great. Friendly, relaxed, welcoming....a good image for this site.

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