they invited me

by the mole 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • the mole
    the mole

    my sister invited me to her home last weekend. to my surprise she was very nice. if you all remember the rejection i recieved for questioning the org my sister was one of them but since my mom flew here to see us i guess my sister had some guilt not letting me and my children visit with her. my mom wanted to see me of course so i went. but the trick..not knowing that my sister invited to elders from her hall to be there also..i was so mad but i kept my tongue. those elders i knew from a long time back knew i could make a good arguement if i needed too. thank goodness i went to philosophy, i learned how to debate very well. i knew sooner or later they would take a shot at me and they mom asked me when i was going to las vegas. i told her everything and that opened the door for them. Once they heard i returned to my karate practice and that my son completed his brown belt they dug in. the first elders stated how evil it was to practice and the other on how violent the training is. but my mom stood up for me. she said it was wrong of her to judge me a long time ago when i first started and that we need positve like martial arts..she mentioned she was doing tai chi, she went on how she learned to defend herself with the application of tai chi. my sister sat and congradulated my son for making second place in his tournement. i told my mom loud enough for them to hear on how sorry i was that i went to college so late in life and that my son would go right after high mom said really loud she regrets listening the brothers with their foolish talk and nonsense in the 1980's. the elders both got up an sister somewhat flustered now understood she had lost the battle of her faith...the mole

  • Elsewhere

    This is great... it looks like you are getting your family back.

    It just occurred to me... the way the Elders and WTS are constantly beating their "drums", it's just a matter of time before the "neighbors" start getting very annoyed.

    It looks like your mother and sister are on their last nerve.

  • outnfree


    How nice that you were able to visit with your mom and that she was supportive of your training, your schooling and the way you are raising her grandchildren.

    I am sure that your sister was shocked by the way your mom and you stood up to the elders (and that was sneaky of her to have the elders present, too). Do you think she expected you to be cowed by them? Do you think she expected THEM to be more loving and less confrontational? Any which way you look at it, it didn't have the outcome I'll bet she was expecting.

    Kudos for keeping your cool.


  • willyloman

    It is so encouraging to hear reports like this, where someone stood up to elder intimidation and left them speechless, heading for the door like the cowards they are.

    Keep up the good work, and hug yo' mama.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    hey mole,

    this was endouraging to hear. Your mother sounds like a good sort to give you so much moral support. good for her! Those elders, like elders everywhere; smell ( yes, I know this is how they are taught to behave, but despite that excuse; they still smell! Bad, that is.)

    and good luck to your little guy with his karate!

    regards, and be well, Frank

  • the mole
    the mole

    thanks everyone...if many of you kept up with my story you knew my mom fell victim to the 80's thinking the world was coming to end and sell everything you own crap.. my dad resisted and was df'd for mom later d'fd also for questioning the df'd going on early 90's when the end didnt many people suffered. the new recruits laugh when i tell them the story and dont believe it and many say its denied by the elders as a lie...i remeber college and highschool was so discouraged it was brutal to many who had dreams..those who had sports in mind where pounded on quickly by the hall.. i had to sneak off and do my karate behind my parents back until they found out and i was disassociated since i was baptised then...went to college when i turned 25 and finaly graduated but all that time wasted for foolish men and a foolish religion..i cant believe i returned and got baptised anyway in 94..what a mistake.. now looking back what a waste of time..i will let my kids live free without the yoke of burdensome place around the necks of those who join such a group of people....the mole

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