I don't know about other parts in the U.S. but here in Chicago I went to a circuit assembly last year in Romeoville and it seemed that 85% of those in attendance where black the speakers,volunteers,and those in attendance there were so few white people,I am not a racist but it just seemed so odd because I remember when I was younger it was the other way around is it true in cities and is the wts attracting more black followers?
by moses 3 Replies latest jw friends
Probably just depends on what area you are in..
Yeah I agree its mostly the area. The US is still a majority white country and the JW's are still a majority white. I used to attend a mostly black circuit assembly back in TN, but then the city of Memphis is majority black, so it was expected depending on how they cut the circuits across the city. However, I would also bet that the percentages of black and hispanic JW are higher than the percentage of blacks and hispanics in the general population simply because religion generally appeals more to people in lower socio-economic classes. Growth in my area has been mostly hispanic congregations.
areas do change also. Where I was living until last December, I was considered the minority in the neighborhood (I am white).. I was told by a friend that ten years ago, where I was living, that was a white neighborhood, but they all moved farther of of the city over time.. I am sure it is the same in larger cities, so circuits are going to change on who race is most populous..
where I came from in Northern MN, I think it will always stay mostly white..