Axis of Evil
by ThiChi 7 Replies latest social humour
Good one!
I think that in the immediate aftermath of the Iraqi war, that was definitely true. Unfortunately, it may not continue to be. The continued commitment of our troops in Iraq has lmited the troops available for even high-priority missions such as the campaign against al-Qaeda remnants in Afghanistan. We certainly don't have the manpower available to launch another invasion.
Also, now that the ongoing cost of the occupation has become clear, the American public has realized that a repeat performance is not a tenable option. And if the American public realizes it, you can bet that foreign dictators realize it.
That doesn't necessarily mean that the Iraqi war was wrong. But it certainly did not live up to Rumsfeld's intention, which was to prove that the United States could topple dictatorships at will.
It would be nice if that were entirely the case.
Good points.
ha ha ha - Iraq has been blown to bits ! It's funny.