question...for anyone who can help!

by student_with_questions 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • student_with_questions

    Hello everyone. I am a student and am taking a class regarding christianity. I have a paper to write about a different type of denomination other than my own. I picked studying and doing my paper on jehovahs witnesses because I was interested in them. I need a person to interview...and was wondering if there was anyone who would be able to help me with my interview. It would be great if there is someone who actually has been or still is a jehovah witness. Thank you so much. Just reply on here and I can get in contact with you. Thanks again.

    Sincerely, Kristina

  • SixofNine

    ask me anything.

  • LoverOfTruth

    Hi There,

    You might also try the website

    They are wonderful people who will be glad to give you an unbiased, non-angry point of view.

  • bebu

    Just the other day, there was a similar thread, and a lot of good answers were given in it which might interest you, too.

    Hope that helps!!


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Pointing her to websites and all that is great, but I'm wondering if an actual interview of a particular individual is part of the requirement for this. It sounds like it might be. So, Kristina, can you talk to all of us or do you need just one? Public(on the board) or private (via email)?

  • student_with_questions

    I do actually have to have an interview with one person. It is required for my class. My email address that anyone can reach me at is [email protected], but any information to guide me is great. I will take any. :) Thanks so much for replying. Email me if you are interested. Thanks again!.


  • calamityjane

    Student, I sent you an e-mail

  • djdisco70s

    I can help if you have any specifics. Ask away!

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    I can help you with any info you need or want about the JW's, and what they believe and teach. [email protected]

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