We all know the story of adam and eve - god forbids fruit, man and women eat fruit.
What is the real moral of this story? Tradition teaches that man is sinful by nature and must be punished.
I was thinking the moral could also be this "That which is forbidden, is made desirable."
I don't know if that is sin, when you tell someone they can't have something, it almost naturally makes us at least curious as to why that is. Some act on this others don't. And maybe it is just my own personality.
It reminded me of being a witness kid and the analogy of "a kid in the candy store", but we were forbidden to eat the candy. The "candy" could have been almost anything, since we were forbidden of so much, holidays, friends outside of the kh, sports, college, dating, and of course sex drugs and rock n roll.
My point is, ancient stories often have morals, could this have been a story meant to teach that forbidden things is a bad idea and it got twisted into the opposite. Just my ponderings