Towards the end of my time in the JWs, I FIANLLY realized that brothers will say one thing, but actually mean another. After leaving the organization, the more I learned-the more I found out that there was more of this going on than I realized.
What double speaks have you discovered? Here are a few of my favorites:
They say: Jehovah's people have real love amongst theirselves.
They mean: Jehovah's people have real love amongst theirselves as long as you are an elder, MS, pioneer, or the family member of one of these people, or someone who gets 10+ hrs in service. And you can't ask too many questions or have any doubts.... at all.... about anything.... what-so-ever. Otherwise, we'll "mark" you as bad association.
They say: The end is near.
They mean: We have no clue when the end will happen.
They say: The UN is the Scarlet Colored beast of Revelations.
They mean: The UN has a kicka$$ library and we got a card from them, so they aren't that bad. Anyways, we gave it back when you all found out about it.
They said to the brothers in Malawi: Do not buy that Party Card. To do so is to show disloyatly to Jehovah.
They said to the brothers in Mexico: Sure, you can bribe that goverment offical to give you a card that shows you completed your military service. To do otherwise would show the Mexican government that we lied to them. We really are a religion and not a cultural organization.
They say: We hate apostates because they don't love Jehovah.
They mean: We hate apostates because they tell you all the truth about the "troof." And damn it, they're getting bolder. They're even making t-shirts and coffee mugs!