Last nite my 20 year old son and I got into a debate about rap music. We were watching a show about Eminem. I stated that it seemed like this guy sings about some pretty destructive things. And that kinda started a good healthy exchange, bit nothing too serious. But he is making the point that these guys are all about their "art". (he's a musician himself)
So we get into it, and I'm trying to state that if you make racist, sexist, violent comments, you probably have a greater degree of responsibility because you really don't personally know your audience. More so than say, the guy who maybe tells his friends an off color joke. Racist or otherwise. At least the joke teller knows his listeners (presumably) and their sensitivites, and they also know what he's all about, so there's less worry about how someone may take something.
But an eleven to fourteen year old kind might not know how to handle certain things. I would hate to think some kid commited suicide, or a violent crime, because of anything I may have said.
Yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre is still against the law as far as I know, even though we have free speech in this country. So my point was we have to consider how what we say might be taken by the hearers. Basically, you're holding a microphone and reaching 50 million kids.
We both agreed to consider the other persons point. But I wouldn't mind hearing from other young persons about this topic.