Well has I have posted in the past I never got baptized, the reason was more out of guilt that I was not good enough to belong to this elite org. of christians I felt I would be a hypocrite if I was going out with wordly friends and then going out in service and giving talks so I avoided baptism at an early age. That is the problem with the org. they make the rules so strict and if you stumble you are really looked down upon that I think ia why it is hard for most people to join it all sounds good but when you find out about all the rules you run,and if you are a member you always have guilt feelings that you are not doing enough or I shoud not be doing this or that.As I got older I decided to study since when I was younger I was just going thru the motions well after studying and pressure to get baptized I had to tell the elders to back off a bit and give me time to think things out, I think it was the best thing that I did I have not been to a meeting in over a year now and after much praying to Jehovah I did alot of research on the org. and this site has been the best what you can learn here is amazing I don't think anyone knows what all the answers are, also after much praing I married a wordly girlfriend I had and just recently had a baby I just thought I would share this with everyone.Although it kills my mom because those jw moms are always hoping for us.
by moses 2 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Congratulations on your marriage, and the new arrival to your family.
you are a member you always have guilt feelings that you are not doing enough or I shoud not be doing this or that
So true. Not really a gentle yoke.
Hi Moses,
Congratulations on the birth of your child - and for marrying an understanding lady.
It's good to have you here - you've more wisdom than you possibly realise. Wish I could have told the elders to back off and let me breath before getting baptised!! You did really well.
Best wishes,