The Paradigm Shift that Will Break the Watchtower

by metatron 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    So, where is the world headed?,1413,200~20954~2046024,00.html

    cloning is becoming an ordinary fact,1413,200%257E20954%257E2046029,00.html

    stem cells might do away with aging

    more possible evidence of life on another planet

    Any one of these things ( or other factors), if fully developed will radically change human society. We are facing paradigm

    shifts like no other in history. The leaders of organized religion will be confounded.

    ..... and the Watchtower will crack

    bring it on


  • frankiespeakin

    You are probably right,, changes are happening much to fast for those GB member to respond. The internet is just the beginings of their troubles,, and they don't have a clue how to proceed.

  • Carmel

    Not all religious leaders will get their what-not in a wringer over life on other planets! Baha'i writings already attest to the existence of life on other planets and other "worlds are peopled". Hasn't seem to dim their faith...


  • Gopher

    JW publications tend to downplay the good that science can do, in favor of pointing out some of the horrors it has brought (nuclear bombs, pollution, radioactivity).

    Some people will always be susceptible to fearmongering, and those people may be the future converts of the JW's. There'll always be people willing to believe in the easy solution after being horrified by the dangers of life.

    As PT Barnum once said, there's a sucker born every minute.

  • Abaddon

    Well, if you look at attitudes to a range of subjects and compare them to those inthe USA, and then imagine what Europe will be like when the USA catches up a bit sociologically speaking... it won;t just be the JW's who have problems.

    However, the question is whether unsubstansiatable belief systems can evolve quickly enough to survive. I don't. They'll obviously have to change, as they have in the past century.

    There will be island of resistance, like the Amish. However, at a certain point it will be decided that unsubstansiatable beliefs sytems have to conform to the general run of human rights, and that will make it harder for the memes spread by religion to survive another generation.

    .. que religonists saying we're arrogant et. al....

    .. I'm not scared, for she is pink, and I know she is invisable as I cannot see her...

  • DevonMcBride

    There is going to be a lot of "New Light" in the near future.


  • undercover

    In the past the WT has said, among other things:

    Man will never be able to leave Earth's orbit.

    Aluminum is a serious health threat and should not be used.

    The heart literally controls our emotions and controls how we feel or act.

    the End Times can be figured by measuring a pyramid.

    People still think the WTS is scientifically accurate in its reporting. Even as things change in the near future, the WTS will cover their tracks, gain "new light" and keep fooling the masses of their followers.

    True, more and more are realizing how they were duped and it's good to see the dark ages of 1800/1900s religion is ending, but there will always be people who need some kind of belief system and the WTS will fill the bill nicely for them.

  • boa

    I think there are many who are on the verge of cracking in the org anyway and just need the confidence and understanding of all the various 'something elses' out there

    I hope a big change comes soon for the sake of some pretty good friends and family I have. Oh, so selfish of me I know


    just waitin' for it

  • rocketman

    wts publications have stated that man reached the "pinnacle" of his achievements in the 20th century. I would think that such a statement will prove false, if not already, in the near future.

  • Corvin

    The following is a paraphrased exerpt from Dan Brown's book, Angels & Demons:

    For centuries, the churches have diminished as science picked away at religion bit by bit. Debunking miracles. Training the mind to overcome the heart. Condemning religion as the opiate of the masses. They denounce God as a hallucination- a delusional crutch for those too weak to accept that life is meaningless. Science presumes to harness the power of God himself! Proof you say? Yes, proof of science's ignorance! What is wrong with the admission that something exists beyond our understanding? The day that science substantiates God in a lab is the day people stop needing faith . . . In reality, the day they stop needing the church. Doubt is the last shred of control. It is doubt that brings souls to religion. It is the need to know that life has meaning. Man's insecurity and need for an enlightened soul assuring him everything is part of a master plan. But the church is not the only enlightened soul on the planet! We all seek God in different ways. What are the religious leaders afraid of? That God will show himself somewhere other than inside the walls of their churches? That people will find them in their own lives and leave the antiquated rituals behind? Religions evolve! The mind finds answers, the heart grapples with new truths. God is not some omnipotent authority looking down from above, threatening to throw us into everlasting destruction if we disobey. God is the energy that flows through the synapses of our nervous system and the chambers of our hearts! God is in all things!
    Is science, by definition, soulless? Divorced from the heart? Intellectual miracles like cloning or anitmatter arrive in this world with no ethical instructions attached. This in itself is perilous! But when science heralds its Godless persuits as the enlightened path? Promising answers to questions whose beauty is that they have no answers?

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