How to respond to any JW about The Watchtower being an NGO

by Bluegrass Tom 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Bluegrass Tom
    Bluegrass Tom

    I prepared the following in abrief essay form from my research on the subject.

    Please read it through. It will take a few minutes.I believe it is comprehensive enough for use with almost anyone.

    If any one wants it in word ot pdf format, I can email it you.

    A Matter of Reason

    The issue of being disturbed by the Watchtower Society becoming associated with the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) is not a matter of faith, but a matter of reason.

    There are no ?if?s? in this discussion. There is no ?if that is true? reasoning to be applied. It is a far-gone conclusion that the Watchtower Society willfully associated itself with the United Nations as an NGO, and then withdrew its association when the press discovered it. It is that simple. The rest is spin.

    To be balanced and fair, it must be recognized that the Watchtower Society did not ?join? the UN. Only a Sovereign nation can do that. They ?associated? themselves with the UN. This distinction is an important one, and must be remembered.

    Consider the following:

    On October 8, 2001 Stephen Bates, a reporter for The Guardian wrote a story that the Watchtower Society had associated itself with the UN as a NGO, and had this status since 1992. The Guardian is a well-respected newspaper, being quoted by the Watchtower Society, NBC News, etc. It is not a sensationalistic tabloid.

    On October 15, 2001 Mr. Bates reported that the next day following the article published on October 8, the Watchtower Society withdrew from association with the UN as a NGO. The reason given by the Watchtower Society was that membership was used as a means to obtain research material that was unavailable elsewhere. It should be noted that the Watchtower Society maintains that their representatives were told that in order to continue to use the library, they (the Society) had to have NGO status. In addition, the Watchtower Society identified language in the NGO application that was inconsistent with Christian belief, and as a result withdrew.

    It astonishes me that the day after The Guardian article broke, that the Watchtower Society made this discovery about unacceptable language in the NGO application. Is this pure coincidence?

    Here are some additional facts to consider:

    Mr. Paul Hoeffel, Chief, NGO Section, Department of Public Information of the United Nations confirmed in writing the following facts about the Watchtower Society?s membership:

    ?This organization (The Watchtower Society) applied for
    association with DPI in 1991 and was granted association in 1992. By
    accepting association with DPI, the organization agreed to meet criteria
    for association, including support and respect of the principles of the
    Charter of the United Nations and commitment and means to conduct effective
    information programmes with its constituents and to a broader audience
    about UN activities

    " The principle purpose of association of non-governmental
    organizations with the United Nations Department of Public Information is
    the redissemination of information in order to increase public
    understanding of the principles, activities and achievements of the United
    Nations and its Agencies. "

    ?In addition, the criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI include
    the following:
    § that the NGO share the ideals of the UN Charter;
    § operate solely on a not-for-profit basis;
    § have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues and a proven
    ability to reach large or specialized audiences, such as educators, media
    representatives, policy makers and the business community;
    § have the commitment and means to conduct effective information
    programmes about UN activities by publishing newsletters, bulletins and
    pamphlets, organizing conferences, seminars and round tables; and enlisting
    the cooperation of the media.?

    It should also be noted that the NGO?s must renew their status annually. Furthermore, the application and renewal documents have not changed in the period in question which is 1991-2001. What was discovered by the Society in 2001 existed on the same documents in 1991. Maybe they didn?t notice it? Try telling a Judicial Committee something like that.

    The NGO section of the UN will be happy to confirm any of this to anyone. It is a matter of public record. They can be contacted at:

    United Nations
    NGO Section
    Department of Public Information
    Room S-1070L
    New York, NY 10017

    Email: [email protected]

    Telephone: 212-963-7233

    Mr. Hoeffel?s letter can be downloaded in PDF format from:

    Here is something further to consider about the statements made by the Watchtower Society about the UN Library. They didn?t have to be a NGO to gain access.

    The following is the procedure:

    1. In 1991 access was given for short periods of time, and could be achieved independent of NGO status. No NGO recognition was required.
    2. The pass was granted to individuals who needed to consult exclusive materials which were available only in your library and not elsewhere.
    3. The individual needed to fill out an application form and provide a letter of recommendation confirming the research.
    4. If this application was approved, instructions were given to the pass office to issue a library pass. This pass would contain a photograph of the applicant. The pass would have a defined time duration in which it was valid.
    5. There has been no change in this policy and procedure subsequent to 1991, except the issuance of passes has been suspended since September 11, 2001.

    The Office of Ms. Maureen Andersen, Chief, User Services Section, Dag Hammarskjold Library confirmed the above to me. They will confirm the same to anyone else. They can be reached at:

    United Nations

    Dag Hammarskjold Library

    New York, NY 10017

    Email: [email protected]

    The Watchtower Society stated that they only applied for NGO status to use the library. This is not entirely true. The Watchtower Society attended, as an NGO the Vilnius International Forum on Holocaust Era Looted Cultural Assets on October 3-5, 2000. Brothers James N. Pellechia, Reino Kesk and Virgilios Pudjevis attended along with sixteen (16) other Organizations. This also is a matter of public record. You can obtain the attendance record from:

    The above is all true, above-board and honest. It is part of the public record. No ?secret? documents. There is no interpretation or misunderstanding. What happened, happened.

    The question is, how do you and I proceed with this information?

    Why did this happen?

    This question cannot be answered, because there is no plausible explanation that would legitimize this action or permit the membership (you and I) to intellectually accept and condone such action. The answer is that the Watchtower Society just elected to do so, and then when it became public, tried to distance itself from what happened. It is just that simple. If you have the temerity to ask them why, you will be branded a heretic.

    Why what has happened is a serious matter, and not a ?so what??, ?its not a big deal? topic.

    A) What has happened is contrary to the conventional wisdom of the Society. The Society maintains that their position on the UN is the same as always, and that they were using them the same way they would use any other Governmental service like the Court system or the public library. This analogy is not correct, and compares completely different things. The Court system and the public library are free for all to use, citizen and non-citizen. Becoming an NGO is voluntary, and unnecessary to achieve their stated purpose of doing research.

    B) The Watchtower Society identified the undesirable condition of the UN. This was not done by others. The Watchtower Society openly publishes condemnation of the UN, and then seeks to associate itself with it. Why? This still has not been adequately explained.

    C) The membership of the Watchtower Society (you and I) were taught the above (the undesirable condition of the UN), and warned that our life was directly connected with accepting this and other ideas of the Watchtower Society. A member could be disfellowshiped for not accepting this idea, or associating with the UN or other allied organizations.

    D) Many members have either lost their personal life, liberty, or have been severely persecuted because of political neutrality and adherence to this policy.

    E) Apparently, the Watchtower Society does not believe these ideas themselves because they elected to associate with the UN, and did so until discovered. They withdrew the following day. The published ideas about the UN must be untrue by the society?s actions (not words).

    In view of the above, what questions are raised?

    1) By demonstration, The Watchtower Society doesn?t believe the things that they have published about the UN; otherwise they would not have acted the way that they did. If they don?t believe these ideas, why should I? There published position can?t be true, otherwise their actions are suicidal.

    2) What else has been done that we don?t know about yet?

    3) What else has been developed as doctrine that is also untrue? I.e. Voting, blood, beards, etc.

    4) In view of their actions, what governance do they have over me as an individual? Only what I allow them to have.

    5) How can I represent, on a local level, an organization with these actions, and tell others to have full faith and confidence in them?

    It is a matter of reason and not faith.

  • xjw_b12

    "A fiery horse with the speed of light, a cloud of dust and a hearty "Hi-Yo Silver!"
    The Lone Ranger rides again! Return with us now to those Thrilling Days of Yesteryear,when the WTBTS insisted thier "association" with the U.N. was just to get access to thier library!

  • somebodylovesme

    Excellent research! Thank you for sharing.

  • boa

    I'm preparing to send some info to my jw finlaw about this stuff - just the basic facts and the un website links and instructions on how to get there.

    Jeepers - it should be good for something

    Thanks for your info, I've copy/pasted it into my files.


  • Vanderhoven7

    This from a JW disassociation letter

    Why was Watch Tower affiliated with the United Nations Organisation for ten long years?

    You can imagine my shock and horror when I learned from the web site of the United Nations that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WBTS) of New York applied for and was granted association in partnership with the UN as an NGO, a non-governmental organisation, for ten years from 1990 to 2001.

    When they were exposed by the Guardian newspaper, they resigned 2 days later saying it was for library card access, nothing more! Its like saying to your wife when she caught you sneaking out of a brothel that you just popped in for the last 10 years to sample the free coffee and croissants on offer to guests, nothing more!

    Further as a way of placating the Jehovah's Witnesses the officials at the Watchtower Society claimed that they were unaware of the requirements involved that happened to be in opposition to their doctrine!

    Were the Watchtower Society officials telling the truth, or were they trying to cover up a major scandal of hypocrisy?

    Well, to be a partner you have to actively live up to and demonstrate the NGO requirements put upon them by supporting and promoting the charter and its aims and objectives. This condition is not to passively observe but actively participate.

    Non-governmental organisations serve in a general consultative status and when meetings and conferences are convened by the United Nations, participants are to be accredited for there active participation. No free rides or complimentary library cards here folks.

    The Watchtower had to demonstrate their support in favour of the UN. They were required to submit annual samples of their individual write- ups regarding United Nations activities.

    The three people involved in representing the Watchtower Society as an NGO in association with the United Nations was

    W. Barry as the vice president of the Watchtower Society, Ciro Aulicino as the main representative, and Robert Johnson as the alternative representative. These participants were not some local Joe blogs elders involved.

    The following articles were carefully crafted and delivered over 10 years so that they would satisfy the officials at the DPI with the annual NGO requirements while at the same time stopping short of blatant contradiction to Jehovah's Witness doctrine. Some were hand delivered to the UN and the respective articles were recorded as such in the UN archives.

    Importantly to non-Jehovah's Witnesses the articles would sound as though the writer had a favourable view towards the United Nations and its future! Without fail each year the WBTS met their annual NGO obligations.

    Awake!: September 8, 1991, pp. 3-4, 8-10

    Awake! December 8, 1992, p. 3-7

    Awake! February 22, 1993, pp.4-6.

    Awake! May 8, 1994, pp.4-8

    Awake! July 22, 1995, pp.4-8

    The Watchtower: Oct. 1, 1995, pp. 3-5.

    Awake! Apr. 22, 1996, pp.4-7

    Awake! Feb. 8, 1997, pp. 14-17

    Awake! Nov.22, 1998, pp.3-11

    Awake! December 22 1998, pp. 3-4

    Awake! Jan. 8, 1999, pp. 13

    Awake! May 22, 1999, pp.4-9

    Awake! July 22, 1999, pp.3-4

    Awake! Jan. 8, 2000, pp.20-21

    Awake! Dec. 8, 2000, pp. 3-9

    Awake! Jul. 22, 2001, pp.3-5

    Why is the Watchtower involved with the image of the wild beast of Revelation? They dined with the whore Babylon the great the mother of all prostitutes and of the disgusting things of the earth when she was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and the blood of the witnesses of Jesus! (Revelation 18:1 - 24)

    If I joined a political party or the UN, I’d be disfellowshipped, wouldn’t I? I don’t understand the double standards. One for the governing body and one for the expendable minions.

    The Organisation used their status as an NGO with the United Nations to enable them to knock on the door of the OSCE and become involved in dialogue with major world players, not just political, but religious as well for decades. Not years but decades!

    OSCE stands for Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe under the United Nations Charter. From the information available, it is WTBTS's Political Lobbying Arm. From what is presented in this dissociation letter, I ask, who needs the UN when you have the OSCE?

    In 1991, the WTBTS applied for and was granted NGO status with the United Nations of which status also allowed them direct access within the corridors of the OSCE, although full advantage of the arrangements offered by the OSCE for NGO's was not taken up by the WTBTS or by the Jehovah's Witnesses until Stephen Bates (Religious Affairs Correspondent for The Guardian UK newspaper) exposed the WTBTS as being an NGO member with the United Nations in two published articles on October 8 and 15, 2001.

    The WTBTS withdrew their NGO status with the UN but maintained the same "foot in the door" and "political clout" by utilising the OSCE with particular emphasis on being associated with all other religions through TANDIS which is the Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Information System.

    The OSCE has regularly reported on the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses, since the WTBTS began NGO association with the UN in 1991.

    The WTBTS has, since 2001 and the UN scandal, solely relied on their association with OSCE for the single purpose of lobbying sovereign States and policy makers within various state and government departments.

    The presence of Jehovah's Witnesses, and in turn the WTBTS as NGO within the corridors of the OSCE, also allows them access to The Holy See (Vatican) who is a member State for the purpose of lobbying should the need ever arise.

    The WTBTS and the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses have greatly increased their activities and presence within the OSCE since 2006.

    Why are the WTBTS trying to lobby and influence policy and decision makers, including the USA, NATO, the European Union, and all 56 OSCE member States?

    How can the Watchtower Society representatives claim that their political associations with OSCE and other government officials has anything to do with God's purposes. Would Jesus Christ be promoting OSCE goals, raising awareness of their work, adding to their ideas, monitoring their implementation, undertaking cooperative activities, engaging in conflict prevention and providing expertise in military aspects of security, political and economic affairs.

    Does any of the above mentioned politically related agendas and terms even remotely describe "No Part of The World?" or "Avoiding All Political Involvement?"

    Why is the Watchtower Society taking an active role in support of the OSCE?

    Can anyone tell me how many times they think the name "Jesus Christ" would be discussed in the above political scenarios with scriptural references? Not even once! How can the Watchtower Society representatives claim that their political associations with OSCE, the UN and other government officials has anything to do with God's purposes?

    Are these not the very entities Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are going to destroy at Armageddon!

    Paradoxically the WBTS strongly vilifies other religions for participating alongside political affiliations, yet it appears that the WBTS too has been wooed by the 'power and influence' of associating with these organisations who either work side by side with the UN (as the OSCE admits) or are deep within the United Nations System.

    Please Friends, go to the OSCE web site:

    Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
    Quick access to multilingual content In addition to the web pages in the OSCE Official languages, the OSCE website contains a number of sections available in other languages. Please click on a language below to see the OSCE website sections available in that language. Quick access to multilingual content : Bosanski/Srpski/Hrvatski Please choose a section to access the content available in the selected language. Көп тілді контентке жылдам қатынау : Қазақша Таңдалған тілдегі контентке өту үшін тарауды таңдаңыз. Көп тилдүү тексттерге мазмунга тез кирүү : Кыргызча Тандалган тилдеги мазмунга өтүүгө бөлүктү танданыз. Brz pristup višejezičnom sadržaju : Crnogorski Molimo Vas da odaberete odjeljak da biste pristupili sadržaju na odabranom jeziku. Брз пристап до мултијазична содржина : Македонски Ве молиме изберете секција за да пристапите кон содржината достапна на избраниот јазик. Acces rapid la conținutul disponibil în mai multe limbi : Română Selectați o secțiune pentru a accesa conținutul disponibil în limba selectată. Hyrje e shpejtë në përmbajtjen shumëgjuhëshe : Shqip Ju lutemi, zgjidhni një seksion për të parë përmbajtjen në gjuhën e përzgjedhur. Brz pristup višejezičnom sadržaju : Srpski Molim Vas odaberite odeljak kako bi pristupili sadržaju na odabranom jeziku. Дастрасии фаврӣ ба контенти бисёрзабона : Tajik Бахши дилхоҳатонро интихоб кунед ва бо забони интихобшуда ба контент дастрасӣ пайдо намоед. Köp dilli maglumatlara tiz geçiş : Türkmen Saýlanylan dilde elýeterli bolan maglumatlara geçmek üçin bölümi saýlaň. Швидкий доступ до багатомовного контенту : Українська Будь ласка, виберіть розділ для доступу до контенту обраною мовою Бир неча тилдаги мундарижага тезкор кириш имконияти : O'zbek Мавжуд бўлган тиллардаги маьлумотларга кириш учун тегишли бўлимни танланг.

    In the search box type in "Jehovah" or “Paul Gillies”, “Watchtower”, “General Council for Jehovah”, or “Christian Witnesses” and press enter. This will provide a list of over 250 related documents, press releases, and statements.

  • DesirousOfChange

    What would a JW say to that?

    Old News

    Fake News

    Apostate Lies

    So what?

    I'd bet AT LEAST 50% of current JW's are unaware what the WTS has said about the UN being the Image of the Wild Beast in Revelation through the years. The average JW is pretty oblivious to the deeper doctrines.

  • Vidiot

    Not to mention that if reports are accurate, they’re trying to overhaul their eschatology anyway…

    …and I pretty sure the UN will be a virtual nonentity in the new-and-improved narrative.

  • LeeMerk

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