How do you deal with family members who still cling to the beliefs and yet NEVER attend meetings or assemblies? My step-parents all but stopped going to the meetings when I was df'd, guess I was too embarassing. But, they cling to their beliefs. First they will talk to me, then I will do something they don't agree with and stop talking to me on the basis of their "beliefs", then they will get over it and talk to me again and start the whole thing over again. The worst thing they ever did was at my Grandma's 75th birthday party this summer, yes they went. I was adopted by my aunt and uncle when my mom died. My aunt was my mom's sister. This was 25 years ago and at my Grandma's party, my step-mom went around introducing me to relatives at "****'* daughter." Do you realize how hurtful that was? How would she feel? Even my non-JW relatives were shocked and apologizing to me for it.
by five_crew 4 Replies latest jw experiences
Five_crew, I am so sorry you were hurt like that.
It does seem strange to me how some JWs who don't "live up" to their name -- can turn around and castigate another for...not "living up" to the name. I mean, what do they say? "You should go back to the meetings"?
People are the same in or out of the truth. If they were lazy in the world the will be lazy in the truth. If they were a**holes in the world they will be in the truth.
All I can say is I'm sorry and maybe sitting down with your folks and telling them how you feel about how they are dealing with you would help? Maybe if they knew how much unconditional love would mean to you rather than the agape style of conditional love at the congregation, which they have adopted. Ask your step mom straight out how she would feel if you made a point of letting everyone know that she wasn't your real mom.
Hopefully the damage isn't beyond repair.
Yes it makes no sense. My jw husband does the same he preaches one thing then does another. He has never celebrated his kids bdays or mine but when his family had a bday party for is 80 yr. old mother he went bringing a gift. Either jws go way over board in their beliefs or they use it when necessary. Most are nothing but hyprocites.
You have all my sympathies. I can relate to your story. One of my family members also a staunch JW (although never associating/meetings etc) was an Alcoholic. When ever she was drunk she would preach and condemn all around her. When she was sober she would pray for forgiveness and apologize. It is disgusting, but you need to ask : what is the root cause?
The answer is simple : Cult indoctranation.
If the JW brain cells could be eradicated the persons may actually be normal. If they chose to be that way then its your right to disfellowship them out of your life.