I'm still reeling....I must be blessed.....two brothers called this evening

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    I arrived home from work late this evening and was perparing to settle down for dinner when a knock sounded on the front door at 7.30. Upon opening it I was amazed to see an old friend of mine from the local congregation, Dave. We exchanged hellos (no How are you? or How have you been?), no hand extended to me as a greeting. This from a person who has totally ignored me since my 'enlightenment'. I wasn't about to renew old friendships.

    Just a "This is my friend Chris" as he introduces his dipshit associate. I didn't recognize this person. The conversation with Dave and Chris was short, but intense, and went something as follows ( I do not recall all of the details as I was really shocked to have them at my door).

    Dave: We are here to invite X (I do not wish to reveal my wife's name as they obviously must hold out some hope for her. Little do they realise) to the Memorial and held out a memorial invitation which I decline to accept.

    Peter (that's me, cheeses): Why?

    Dave: Because it would be nice (this coming from a witness with almost thirty years of background with the society).

    Peter: I laughed, and said, Oh, that's a good reason. I called my wife to the door and said she had some visitors. She exchanged pleasantries with Dave and went back inside. She later told me that the Chris person she recognised as a former special pioneer from the congregation where she spent her time as a child. She agreed that he was a complete shit-for-a-brain. Probably sent by her a-sack-of-shit father.

    The time for niceties was over.

    Peter: What has the society informed you about their involvement with the UN as a NGO associate?

    Dave: I am sorry, I don't know anything about it. What do you mean?

    By this time Chris was back on his heels and starting to back away.

    Peter: Well let me tell you that the same organisation that the WTS has identified as the 'wild beast' and which will play a major part in your armageddon, and which has been condemned for decades by the WTS, is the same organisation with which the WTS was a non-governmental associate for almost ten years. Ask the elders to explain it to you.

    Dave: It's good though that the truth is still the truth.

    Peter: Well, I am glad I saw the truth and got out while I could, and still had my sanity.

    Chris didn't really utter anything of substance when I hit him up with some similar logic. He couldn't wait to get away. Actually, both were backing away by this stage. I said good bye and closed the door.

    Somwhow I don't believe they will be rushing back to see me, though I might do a call on Dave, as he seemed to be a bit interested in the message.

    cheeses - doing his bit to advance kingdom truths.

  • blondie

    I'm surprised they didn't hold up the NWT to ward off the apostate vibes. Some JWs have crap for brains; they can only spout the company line.

    Blondie (feeling mean this morning)

  • acsot

    the best defense is a good offense, and you sure did that cheeses! Congratulations!

    "it would be nice" - now there's a good way to overcome objections . Idiots.

  • xjw_b12

    Considering the source, I was hoping this wasn't an April Folls joke.

    Way to go Cheeses ..

    Dave: It's good though that the truth is still the truth.

    What a f*$&ning absurd, asinine, baked, bedlamite, bonkers, cracked, crackers, crazy, daffy, demented, deranged, dopey, flaky, foolish, fried, giddy, idiotic, inane, insane, lunatic, mad, mental, nuts, nutty, ridiculous, screwy, silly, simple, totally baked, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsound, wacky, whacko, witless thing to say.

  • Dansk



    What a f*$&ning absurd, asinine, baked, bedlamite, bonkers, cracked, crackers, crazy, daffy, demented, deranged, dopey, flaky, foolish, fried, giddy, idiotic, inane, insane, lunatic, mad, mental, nuts, nutty, ridiculous, screwy, silly, simple, totally baked, touched, unbalanced, unhinged, unsound, wacky, whacko, witless thing to say.

    I gather you didn't like his comment , then!

    Why aren't your teeth chattering like they used to?!


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    xjw's teeth only chatter during Winter. It must be getting warmer in Ontario.


  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    though I might do a call on Dave, as he seemed to be a bit interested in the message.

    cheeses - doing his bit to advance kingdom truths.

    Great job, "Cheeses of Nazareth"

    ...because it would be nice.

    Ya, ok. You know what else would be nice?

    If you bought me a new car, if you paid off the mortgage on my house, or if you and every other brainwashed dubbie would leave that damn cult.

    So now that we got our cards on the table, lets start bargaining

  • Corvin
    Dave: It's good though that the truth is still the truth.


    That must have felt soooooooo good. There use to be a couple young brothers who knew I was DF'd and would drop off mags once a month. Once I invited them in since they knew my kids and it was hot outside. I got them something cold to drink and we began talking. Mind you, I was not yet the apostate I am now, and only had issues with a certain PO and my JW exwife. But the thing is that my JW Bible knowledge was still in full effect and they looked almost terrified when I, a long since df'd JW, began explaning some of the issues I had with my exwife in pure JW speak. That look of "i'm gonna piss myself if I don't get out of this house of demons" is so funny to me. I wonder if I ever had that look at the doors?

    Last week I had a similar confrontation with my exwife when I told her that our children were not very interested in going to the Kingdom Hall anymore (long story to be told on another thread).

    She wanted to know why I had taken a stand against the org, and why the children don't want to attend meetings anymore. I told her about the UN and told her the kids know about the UN thing too. She said that telling them about the UN thing would be "damaging" to them. I laughed at her and asked, "so, it's important to be in 'the Truth' but not so important to have 'the truth' in you . . . ?"

    She responded only with that typical blind decloration of ignorance, "I don't care. I know it's [the org] the truth and that's it." With that she decided to get the hell out as fast as she could.

    Good for you, Cheezes! I want a "sit" with the elders too.


  • willyloman
    though I might do a call on Dave, as he seemed to be a bit interested

    At last, a return visit worth making.

  • boa

    a blessing i've had lately a few times as well, especially with the view to inviting to the memorial (now passed, and we didn't go for the first time - for me in over 30 yrs)

    i haven't yet charged in to do unspiritual battle but am still researching, reading and surfing this site to be amply 'armed' in the case of a 'discussion'.

    once i phone or meet with the po to cancel our lit order and ask for no visits until i request them, something interesting might happen

    their responses to you add to the confidence of my own decisions about the borg


    they sure have a knack for popping up out of nowhere eh? I just remember that my own 'witnessing' and visits were doing the same thing to hundreds of people in their own private homes - cheeses, oops, i mean jeece!

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