Our 17 year old son doesn't drive, so when he came home with a $103 ticket I was shocked, what did you do J-walk...NO he was caught smoking across the street from his high school. It was a minor in possession of tabacco violation. Jeez, $103 for that...I've seen hundreds of underage kids smoking, I had no idea this was a possibility. When I was in school, the smoke would billow out of the restrooms, no one I knew ever got in trouble. Did you guys know about this? We live in Washington state, maybe it's a local thing.
My 17 year old got a $103 ticket...doesn't drive but
by Sabine 4 Replies latest jw friends
Winston Smith :>D
I knew one could get fined for underage use, but I never actually heard of it being enforced
Tell you what.
I'll take his ticket if he takes the ticket I got last night for speeding 20+
It was only a matter of time before I got nabbed, glad I slowed down before I saw Mr. Police Officer
{{{{Sabine}}}} That SUCKS!!! About 4 years ago, I got my very first speeding ticket.........OMG!! I burst into tears when the cop handed it to me........it was over two hundred dollars!!! And........he told me that he didn't even add in that it was in a work zone..........now, I'm reaaaaallll careful...............learned my lesson, I did.
Might just be a wake up call that turns out to be the best thing that could happen..
How terrible. I had no idea. One of our sons was caught smoking off school property, when he was in HS, (you can guess who that was, Sabine) but the only thing that happened was the principal called me. He lied to me, and I believed him. That was one of my first mistakes with him.
Give him a hug for us.