Amazing video you MUST see. *beware 56k'ers*

by pr_capone 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • pr_capone

    [Link removed]

    As usual you may have to copy the link the actually make it work but its well worth it.

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • Corvin

    Hellllllllll yeah! That was the most incredible tumbling/gynastics/martial arts/break dancing video I have ever seen . . . gonna go watch it again now.


  • confusedjw

    That was horrible. I hope that was some sort of video trick. I wished I hadn't seen that and wish you hadn't posted this.

  • FMZ

    lmao... Confused, I dont think that is what he wanted to show.. earlier I watched it and it was of some amazing martial arts stuff... Apparently they redid the link or something. Even though the new vid is a little disgusting, I had to laugh.


  • Elsewhere


    Bad Kitty!!!!

  • calamityjane

    that's disgusting.

    I've seen another evil twin one, with a pigeon going to land on the car and the hood pops up smacks it right of it's feathers and lands flat on the road, That was funny, as I've had too many bird droppings on vehicle over the years, it was nice to see a bird finally meets its demise.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Stupid video...not nice..

    about a cat killed by a closing roof window on a car.

    I really wanted to see the break dance video...

    you must have accidentally posted the wrong link

    try again.


    Special K

  • Angharad

    I've removed the link of the cat, its seems to be upsetting a lot of people.

    PR - Obviously you can still edit your post to put the correct link in when you find it again

  • Undecided

    I was gong to get that car, it seems to be the only way to keep my neighboors cats off my car.

    Ken P.

  • xjw_b12

    That was not the video pr capone was referring to. I believe it changes to a different one each day.

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