An Unlikely Dinner Guest

by Corvin 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin

    My daughter, 17, has for two weeks now, been dating an 18 yo unbaptized J-Dubba-boy.

    When he came to pick her up for their first date, I was suprised when he respectfully came into the house of a known DF'd brother, instead of waiting outside and honking the horn to avoid contact with me. He walked right in, shook my hand and asked how I was doing.

    He sat on the sofa and we chatted. I asked him if he was aware that I was df'd. He said he did, and that it was not a big deal to him since we did not have that much contact. I asked him if he was baptized. He said no. I asked him if he had plans for baptism. he said he did not know. Hmm . . . anyway . . . I outlined a couple rules for dating my daughter, one of which was absolutely no pressure to serve the org. I explained that I had no intention of ever returning to the org, and I also told him I would soon be known here locally as an apostate and that if he were going to be coming around he should know that upfront. He looked incredulous. I did not seem to look like an evil apostate to him and he hardly reacted at all.

    Well, tonight, he came over for dinner. We had great conversation and some great laughs. We rented DVD's (Gothica) and ate my wife's peach cobbler and ice cream. He stayed until 10:30, politely got up, shook my hand and thanked me for a fun evening. I said that he was welcome and welcome here anytime . . .

    Feedback please . . .


  • FMZ

    Wow, the kid's got a good head on his shoulders it sounds like.

    I think it was a good thing that you mentioned that you will soon be known as an apostate, as it proves that not all apostates stand outside the KH and shout at the dubs. When I was a kid, this was the impression I always got, that they were all psycho and do not know a thing. The fact that he now realizes you don't have two heads and a purple snout may serve him well in the future, when he hears what kind of crap people make up about apostates.

    As far as the movie night goes, rock on! BTW how was the movie... thinking of buying it.

    This guy sounds very respectful, and I wish your daughter all the best with him. IMHO as long as he keeps his beliefs to himself (and maybe even take on some of yours) then he is in good standing with everyone :).

    Good luck and God bless


  • Corvin

    Thanks FMZ.

    As far as the movie night goes, rock on! BTW how was the movie... thinking of buying it.

    It was awsome. Best thriller I have seen in a while. It kept me riveted most of the time and I bore easy. I liked Identity too, btw.


  • Mary

    You and this kid are gonna burn in hell!!

    Actually, it sounds like he's a decent guy. Although it'll probably be only a matter of time before Big Brother finds out he's dating your daughter and the local elders have a little chat with him about avoiding you like the plague. Seems like he's got his head on straight though, so maybe he'll re-think getting baptized!

  • little witch
    little witch

    Way to go Dad!

    I especially like that you told him "No pressure" right up front.

    I just bought/watched Gothika last night, spooked me but good!

  • Stefanie

    I cant give any advice on dating since my oldest is 12. I will read the input and save it for a few years.

    As for the movie, I really liked it alot. I was thinking of letting my daughter watch it with me.

  • 4JWY

    Hey Corvin - memories return with your topic:

    At 17 as a Jdub, I had no problem at all with my first boyfriend's mom being DF'd. He lived with her and she was so cool - I had to be sneaking around as far as my parents were concerned, since he was "bad news" in their eyes with a split family/DF mom and LONG hair himself! He couldn't call me at home, but I could call him. He couldn't come over to my house, but I could go to his. It only sucked in the way that I had to live that "secret or double life" and be worried about running into my family if we ever went out somewhere together.

  • reganashe

    Well he sounds like a nice kid. I'm sure in enough time his parents or the elders will put it to an end. I hope your little girl doesn't get her feelings hurt.


  • reganashe

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