I have recently come to realise that although I am acquainted with a few hundred Jehovah’s Witnesses, I do not know of any who "came into the truth" who are fully qualified and working full time in the following areas: Historian, Archaeologist, Astronomer, Psychologist, Psychiatrist or any closely related subject that requires education to degree level.
I appreciate that JW’s do not encourage education to degree level and because I live in a University town I am more likely to know "worldly people" in all of the above professions.
Of the JW’s that I know who are educated to degree level and working in a profession related to their training, one is an Engineer and three are in Art subjects.
It is interesting that the professions that I have mentioned above are all ones in which "the truth" could not be accepted by any qualified person who properly investigated the claims of the Society. On the other hand the two Historians, the Archaeologist and the Astronomer that I know, are all regular church-goers (not all the same denomination) and consider themselves Christians.
Can anyone on the Board contradict my experience? It seems to me that it makes a point.