Claire was out shopping and bumped into a JW (who hasn't been to meetings herself for a l-o-n-g time!).
Claire: "Hi, how're you?"
JW: "Fine, thanks!"
Claire: "You know we don't go anymore?"
JW: "Yes. I heard"
Claire: "We've found out so much about the Org's teachings that are false."
JW: "I was around in 1975 and they definitely said it was the end then!"
Claire: "Yes, and we've found out that the 607 date is rubbish and that puts 1914 out!"
JW (starting to panic): "Anyway, we don't go by dates anymore!"
Some small talk then followed at the supermarket chicken counter. Then, before leaving, the JW said:
"No-one EVER comes to see me! Maybe it's because my husband doesn't go!!"
This is the second time I've heard about JWs not using dates - one being my older daughter.
Is this yet another policy change?