Texas woman found not guilty by reason of insanity of stoning her kids...

by TresHappy 6 Replies latest social current

  • TresHappy

    Texas mom who stoned sons not guilty

    Saturday, April 3, 2004 Posted: 8:57 PM EST (0157 GMT)

    alt vert.mother.ap.jpg Laney departs the courtroom following closing arguments in her capital murder trial Saturday.
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    Mother describes killing her sons
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    TYLER, Texas (AP) -- A woman who claimed God ordered her to bash in the heads of her sons was acquitted Saturday of all charges after a jury determined she was legally insane during the killings.

    A jury found that Deanna Laney did not know right from wrong May 9 when she killed her two older sons, ages 6 and 8, in the front yard and left the youngest, now 2, maimed in his crib. Laney, 39, was found not guilty by reason of insanity of charges of capital murder and serious injury to a child.

    Laney broke into tears as the verdict was read. Her husband, Keith Laney, sat emotionless. A few jurors cried and struggled to maintain their composure.

    State law allows Laney to be committed to a maximum security state hospital. Medical evaluations will dictate when she will be released.

    In closing arguments earlier Saturday, prosecutors portrayed the killings last Mother's Day weekend as deceptively planned and coldly executed.

    "It was graphic, it was horrific and it was brutal," prosecutor Matt Bingham told the jury.

    Laney had faced life in prison for the deaths of 8-year-old Joshua and 6-year-old Luke, and the beating of Aaron, now 2.

    Bingham pounded his fist in his hand as he recounted Joshua's killing: "He got strike after strike after strike on his head to the point that his brains were coming out of his head like liquid."

    Defense attorneys argued that insanity was the only reason why a deeply religious mother who homeschooled her children would kill two of them and maim another without so much as a tear.

    story.boys.ap.jpg Aaron, left, Luke and Joshua Laney, right, pose in an undated family photograph.alt

    All five mental health experts consulted in the case, including two for the prosecution and one for the judge, concluded that a severe mental illness caused Laney to have psychotic delusions that rendered her incapable of knowing right from wrong during the killings -- the standard in Texas for insanity.

    Psychiatrists testified that Laney believed she was divinely chosen by God -- just as Mary was chosen to bear Christ -- to kill her children as a test of faith and then serve as a witness after the world ended.

    Prosecutors portrayed the killings as deceptively planned and coldly executed. They said that even if Laney believed she was doing right by God, she had to have known she was doing wrong by state law. Her first call, they pointed out, was to 911 to summon authorities.

  • Shutterbug

    We can only hope that she is put in a mental institution so other children will be protected. Bug

  • SixofNine

    Interesting though, isn't it? Her type of faith is glorified by all the major religions, and in fact, is found at the crux where all three major religions began (Abraham).

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Don't care if she's insane or not, this woman should be executed.

  • glitter

    I read an article on Thursday about this case where the prosecution's psychiatric report was that she was insane. It said that her husband woke when the baby was crying, but that her two other sons obeyed her when she asked them to basically hold still while she killed them, they didn't yell for their dad... chilling stuff - reminded me of the film "Frailty" in a way.

    I'd like to say/ask something about *not* guilty by reason of insanity - she did it because she was insane; surely she's *guilty* by reason of insanity (ie she presumably wouldn't have done it otherwise) - does this mean that if/when she is no longer insane she's free to go? If she's fit to stand trial, doesn't that mean she's mentally healthy now?
    I'm not sure how I feel about that.

    Don't care if she's insane or not, this woman should be executed.
    That's a sickening attitude, surely even if a person believes in capital punishment they would still feel the execution of a mentally-ill person is as immoral as execution of a minor or retarded person?

    I hope the surviving little boy (despite severe injuries resulting in disability) and his father can start to move forward with their lives, and that the mother gets the help she needs.

  • frankiespeakin


    Faith its a real killer some times.

    Beleif in the god jehovah can be a dangerous thing. Look at how many have died from refusing blood because jehovah's hand picked organization told them to.

  • gespro

    I have some mixed feeling about this. Being of colour living in the states, I have no doubt this woman would have had a different fate.

    I'm amazed to see such understanding take over a jury, even going out on a limb with understanding when the defendant resembles them in colour. A woman of colour would have gotten life, I bet. If this were a man of colour, he would have been swinging from the highest tree. Who really believes that justice is fair here? You've got to be kidding me...

    I'm not one to consider any kind of death penalty. I believe a rough life is worst than any death and death would be too easy. [ I've put bad animals to death and regretted it] No, let them rot in prison.

    I feel so bad about the fate of these children especially the one that survived. It's too devestating...

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