The JWs finally found me home and awake!

by Eyebrow2 5 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Eyebrow2

    Well, it has been about two months since my mom visited, and started asking the locals to stop by the house. I was either asleep or out every time they came by.

    Anywho, I was actually on my way out with wallet in hand when I answered the door. Two brothers there, with bibles...but they looked a bit intimidated. Only one spoke, and he said that my mom asked them to stop by and see what they could do to assist me to become active again. He said she told him that I had been for a long time, but for the past 4 or 5 years had not. He also invited me to the Memorial tomorrow night. Nice enough guy...but I told them politely I appreciated their concern, but yes, I knew where the KH was, and when the meetings were so if I should be so inclined to go I will. I was nice, but I think they were braced for the least before the brother started speaking he mentioned...oh it looks like you are leaving the house so I won't keep you.

    I really REALLY wanted to shut the door behind me, get real close and say shhhhh.....I don't want my husband to hear you. I am not aloud to talk to JWs or he will beat me! But, while I would find that funny, that would just bound to come back and bite my in the butt somehow, hahaha.

    Anyway...they came, they preached...they are gone....phew....

  • kibizzle

    Love your response, "if I'm so inclined" basically don't call on us we'll call on you, we KNOW where they are too! I'll use that polite response thanks! Kibi

  • gods vigilante
    gods vigilante

    Love what you said that you'd like to have actually done. I thought for myself that if they were to ever come to my door, I'd tell them that Satan actually has a hold of me and he's threatened me and my family and that's why I can't go back. Then I'd start speaking in a different language and throw myself on the ground and go into compulsions. I'd love to see their reaction.

  • Eyebrow2

    that would be funny hahaha

  • Panda

    eyebrow2, You did the best thing possible, gave them an adult reaction to an irrational situation..hell you didn't even know these guys so justbecause they are dubs they think you should listen to them...probably wet behind the ears regular pioneers.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    .....I just smile and say I am not interested and firmly CLOSE THE DOOR

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