This is an exerp from the 'Truth' book, published 1981, ch 14 par 10.
10 At first one might reason that it is simply one minister who is wrong or certain church members who do not do right. But what if the minister who downgrades the Bible continues to hold his position? And what if the church members who do wrong continue to be in good standing? Then it is time to face the fact that the bad fruits identify the religious organization itself. If that is true, you will, without exception, find that the teachings of the organization do not all line up with the Bible. If you have read the previous chapters of this book and considered the Bible texts found there, you may realize that this is true of the religion with which you have been associated. If so, then you have a serious problem. It is the problem of making a decision either to accept the truthfulness of the Bible or to reject it in favor of teachings that the Bible does not support. (Acts 17:11) What you do, of course, must be your own decision. However, you should weigh matters carefully, since the decision you make will affect your standing with God and your prospects of eternal life in his new system.
I've talked with a few people about things that have went on in the congregation, that I've seen and also read about on here. Everytime I've been told its been isolated instances, and to 'wait on Jehovah' to put the situation right. And yet here we have from Watchtower publications another slant on this. Think carefully. James 1:17,
17 Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, for it comes down from the Father of the [celestial] lights, and with him there is not a variation of the turning of the shadow.
If there 'is not variation of the turning of the shadow', why is there always 'new light' being released? Isn't this against the scriptures? The nation of Isreal were Gods chosen people, but were they still like that when Jesus came to the earth? Were they not rejected because of the additional burden (Oral Torah), that made it so they were following the teachings of man and not the teachings of God? Is this not the same situation as in the WT today?
What you do, of course, must be your own decision. However, you should weigh matters carefully, since the decision you make will affect your standing with God and your prospects of eternal life in his new system.