*sigh* you guys had a lot of fun, I see!!!
My weekend really doesn't compare. On Saturday morning I went to work out with my fellow Marine recruits, came back, ate (alone, no hot blonde wife...yet ), the Mormon missionaries came and invited me to hear one of their talks (it seems like they had their "General Conference" broadcast throughout the world from Salt Lake City... that was kinda boring... came home, slept.
Sunday, same routine except it wasn't a Mormon church...it was an Evangelical Christian church where people shouted for joy and sang to Jesus, which is pretty interesting and new to a brand-new ex-JW like moi.
*sigh* No hot blonde wife, no martini, the weather in Jersey still sucks, and I've had to work out just to keep up with my weight standards if I wanna ship out to Marine Corps Boot Camp next week. No Memorial for me. Don't feel like I missed much.