Chimps' Genes are 98.8% Human

by Gerard 8 Replies latest social current

  • Gerard

    The human and chimpanzee genomes differ by just 1.2% between the coding genes. So Why are we so different?

    Professor Svante Paabo, from the Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany, is investigating which genes are present and the manner in which they are expressed. In particular, he believes the key lies in the degree to which they are expressed in each species: DNA, BBC

  • FMZ

    *scratches ass*

    So, what's your point?

    *sniffs armpit*

    Now where did I put that banana?

    *throws a turd in Valis' general direction*


  • Schizm
    *scratches ass*

    *sniffs armpit*

    You sniffed your "armpit" after scratching your "ass"?

    You're one smart monkey!

    I suppose you're gonna tell us now that you wash your hands before handling your bananas.


  • Gerard

    Since childhood I was told how God made us sooooooo special. Other than our reasoning power, we are not different from other mammals.

    Chinese New Year

  • blacksheep

    Sounds like a good case for supporting a human's right to enter into a contractual marital agreement with a chimp...

  • air

    we also share 98% of our genes with a BANNANA did we evolve from that 2???!!!!!!!

  • Joe Bloggs
    Joe Bloggs

    Hello Air. You stated:

    we also share 98% of our genes with a BANNANA did we evolve from that 2???!!!!!!!

    Could you please post where you got this information from? Joe

  • xjw_b12

    Gerard, I believe that data comes from testing on the "Bush" genealogy.

  • shotgun

    I knew there was nothing wrong with monkey sex. Plus when your all done instead of smoking a cigerette you take time to groom each each other, that's love.

    BTW if Chimps have 98.8% human genes who did they steal the other 1.2% from?

    How does a gorilla stack up in the gene pool?

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