I once had this converstation with my father while he was visiting for a few days. It was just prior to the time I anounced that I would no longer be a witness. We were just having a conversation about the universe and its complexities, when I added .........
"It surely can not be that we are the only life in the universe. when you consider the number of galaxies and solar systems, each with their planets, there must be life on some of them. After all the scriptures say when reffering to the planets and solar systems, that God did not create it simply for nothing."
Well after this simple statment, he became very heated about how we are deffinatley the only planet with life on it. He knows this for a fact. The idea of other solar systems holding life, even if that life was created by the same God was just too much. Somehow, and I dont understand how, but this thought threatened his faith. The outcome, he stormed off and whent to bed!!!