my sister called and invited my family to have dinner with her after the services were held for the memorial. she had planned this large dinner and said she had wine and plenty of sweets. the kids and i go with her to attend the memorial? ................for those of you who has been keeping up with my family this was so unexpected i was shocked. just a few weeks ago she set me up with elders at her house and scorned my sons karate lessons..this time the gang will surround me if show up at thier hall, i just know it. to decline is the best thing to do and so i did. then a knock at my door. well, my local elders wanted to invite me and guess what? the elder that i scared a month while he did his sheparding call came back and he was surprised at my knowledge so back and forth with smiles and words we thumb wrestled with script and org policy only to have them leave without leaving a flyer of the time and date of the memorial. i have a feeling my wit beat them up and they are going to leave me alone from now guilt for not going? no way! ......i wrather see a game..GO SACRAMENTO KINGS!.....the mole>>>