Can we talk Moonies...please!

by astro_girl 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • astro_girl

    This is the first thread I have ever started (gulp) I hope I am doing this right!

    I am going to see my brother and his family (the moonies) next week (they live in Eastern Germany) and I just became a bit anxious. I spoke to my niece (she's 15) on the phone and she told me her uncle (on my brother's wife side, no one else in the family are moonies) has banned my brother from coming on his property. They had a pretty good relationship (or at least as good as it gets) the last time we were there so I'm assuming that my brother ( aggressive, fanatical ) must have proselytized to him or even worse maybe to his 2 young sons. The uncle did get pissed off when my brother said a prayer aloud before dinner in the name of the "True Parents". after dinner his kids kept asking who their "true parents" are and why does my brother's family pray to them. He in turn asked my brother to pray silently when at family gatherings at his home and I think the issue was resolved. Now we have a drastic situation that really sucks, especially for the kids.

    When I visit my brother we sometimes end up at odds because he becomes hostile and nasty if you don't listen to all he has to say about his "religion". My husband (who is an ex-JW) just lets it roll off his back. He acts mildly interested and then changes the subject. I really admire that in him because when my bro starts with the moonie crap I bristle up and become very defensive. I know that's the worst thing I can do. It's a reaction I have a hard time controlling.

    My brother has been a moonie for almost 30 years now and was married at a mass marriage in Madison Square Garden (I went, it was weird!) He graduated college with a degree in psychology but applied too late for the med school he wanted so he took off for a year on a fateful cross country trip. He was "recruited" in San Francisco and went to live in a Moon front youth commune. My parents freaked, wanted to "deprogram" him but didn't have the money (since they just put the butt-head through college) He came home after many months with a dazed look and glazed over eyes and he would chant aloud in the backyard at night. I would watch him from my window and wonder "what the f*ck is he doing?!" I still wonder that today. How can they believe in this meglomaniac fraud of man and his dysfunctional family?! One of Moon's kids sadly commited suicide by jumping out of a Las Vegas hotel window. Another was a cocaine addict and wife beater. Moon showers himself and his family with incredible luxuries off the profits and "fund-raising" for his church while most of his followers live hand to mouth. I remember awhile back my brother was saving jelly jars because they could not afford to buy drinking glasses...and he was running a Moon church!

    BTW, does anyone know how much Moon makes on these mass marriages?! Well, the last time my bro tried to convince me to renew my wedding vows via Moonie mass marriage satellite, the going rate was $3000 per couple. Hmmmm...20,000 x $3000 = Holy Crap!! Moon claims to be the New Messiah and boasts he is doing a "better job than Jesus did". He's obviously crazy! It's scary just how much property and wealth Moon has aquired. He has thousands of moonie front businesses world-wide and he has bought a few colleges! Now recruiting will be really easy! He has big political pull too (Bush for one, and there was Reagan and Nixon!) He recently moved into South America (bought up huge amounts of land there and sports teams) plus he is now sending large pilgrimages over to the middle east to recruit. My brother just came back from one. Says he has plenty of pix to show me and will I come on the next pilgrimage (ughhh!) Oh well, I guess I just wanted to vent. Thanks to anyone who reads this. I hope I come back from my trip with my sanity intact! astro_girl

  • True North
    True North

    There's a guy named Steven Hassan who used to be a Moonie, back in the 1970s I think it was. After he left them he became a counselor for helping other people to leave cults of various sorts. He wrote two books which you can check into on in case you're interested. They are Combatting Cult Mind Control -- his first book, which goes into his personal experience with the Moonies -- and Releasing The Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves. In both books he provides his methods that he advises family members to use to help a family member to leave a cult. He also has a Web site which is at (Disclaimer: I don't have any personal experience with the application of his methods, so I can't personally vouch for them. However, I think that someone in your situation would at least find what he has to say of interest.)

  • Abaddon

    Hassan writes good stuff.

    I think the 'safety valve' in dealing with cultists (although I know from experience it is difficult) is to realise YOU are the adult and THEY are the cultist.

    Helps me get over the knee-jerk reactions my family sometimes trigger.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    You are a good, strong, intelligent amercan woman. You will not fall for that, and you will not go.


  • English Patient
    English Patient

    And may I add that this guy who claims to even be 'god' actually pays off the government with millions of dollars so they do not stop him doing what he does!

    He's a complete idiot, but George Bush loves the guy.

  • blondie

    Never knew a moonie in my daily life. They were just people selling books from door to door (familiar, eh?). They seem to make the WTS more benign. $3,000 for marriage renewals, hmmmmm? At least the boring marriage talks at the KH are "free."

    Their leader says he is Christ returned to earth???

    The WTS says they are the only earthly channel to God.

    Is there a similarity?


  • Tuesday

    I thought you were talking about those fat guy toys where you squeeze this tube and his pants drop. Sounds interesting, I'm sorry about the pardicament; I guess as long as your brother is happy that's all that matters. I guess it's a matter of just accepting that your brother has changed, there's no way you can make anyone do anything they don't want to. But if you want to try I would make the same suggestion as the others here, Steven Hasaan's site is excellent.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi astro girl

    Welcome to the forum

    May I suggest a book by Steven Hassan titled "Releasing the Bonds".

    Steven Hassan is a cult therapist who also, was recruited into the Moonies at 19 years of agewhile in University. He refers to his experiences within the Moonies in this book as well as talking about many other types of cults and how to exit or help family memeber exit them.

    Excellent book, and you might even be able to request it at your local library.


    Special K

  • astro_girl

    Thanks for all the input! I really appreciate the thoughts and advice. I will surely get the Hassan books and I'm sure I'll gain some insight from his experiences. I'm glad I posted this thread even though it's not exactly JW related. I was starting to hyperventilate just thinking about the situation. A few years ago my brother swore to me he would never let his religious beliefs come between us ever again but I think that was what is referred to as a "heavenly deception" to let my guard down. He could never keep that promise the way he is right now.

    You are probably right but I feel compelled to go CG, only because I just can't give up on my brother (even though he is extremely frustrating to be with plus I already have the tickets and vacation time set up etc.) I can't think of one other person (friend or family) that thinks it's a good idea for me to go except my husband (and this is just only because he likes bratwurst and German least he'll be nice and relaxed!) He has a tough skin from being an ex-JW for so many years (many of his family are still JWs) and I think he finds my brother amusing in a way. His motto is "kill the cult with kindness from the heathens!" I suppose it makes sense...except when I want to throttle my brother.

    I remember the last time we were there and we all played some board games after dinner. My brother was so determined to win, it was like this "good against evil" thing in his head. He was like a frigging maniac and made the whole thing so totally unenjoyable. When he finally did win a game (the big loser!) it was as if he triumphed over all the demons in the world. Come to think of it we had a similiar experience when we played some trivia games with my husbands JW relatives during a get together. They were all fiercely competitve and were pretty darn smug when they won a few games against the non-JWs. Hmmmm....

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