Hey Everybody! Check out Valis on His Motorcycle

by seeitallclearlynow 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow


    Nice picture dude! Thanks!!

    NOT how I pictured you ever, for one minute.

    seeit, don't believe it

  • gumby

    He look like a damn worldly, heathen, apostate, bad association, lover of the world bastard......don't he? I'd stay away from this man if I were you.

    *looks up above to the heavens and thanks jehovah he's not like him*


  • Wallflower

    Nice bike Valis - but you'll need a solid back end for that solid back end!!! Numb Bum Syndrome.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    LOL at Gumby. All those JWisms. Funny!

  • xjw_b12

    seeitall. What did you expereince a little"shock and awe"?

    Englishman posted a question a while ago "Who was the first poster you met in real life" http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/64520/994201/post.ashx#994201

    And this was Shutterbugs response: Too funny ! http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/64520/994201/post.ashx#994201

    Shortly after registering on JWD there was an apostafest in Dallas at the home of Valis. Having a daughter living in Denton, some 30 miles north of Dallas, I picked her up and proceeded to Valis home for the big event. After knocking on the door I heard someone say "come in." I opened the door and faced a flight of stairs and at the top of the stairs was this fellow with dreds, hippie glasses and horns on his head !!! My worst nightmares about apostates were coming true !!!
  • imallgrowedup

    LOL @ xjw!!!

    Valis -

    *purring* Hey handsome!!! *batting eyes* Going my way?! I sure hope so! I need to go to the grocery store, then drop off some stuff at the cleaners, then ummm ... pick up the rugrats by 3 ...... sound like fun?!!!


  • Celtic

    Valis, you look so soft and gentle. I was so expecting a more ruffian look. You even look quite cuddly dare I say it? Like teddy bear.


  • Valis

    *LOL* freaks...ya that is I! WYSIWYG! Ima...I'm not sure I could fit all three in the saddle bags...maybe you should buy me a side car and we'll talk..

    and ya it is hard on the olde bum if I ride for more than a couple hours at a time..


    District Overbeer

  • Sassy

    Its a cool picture Valis..

    Ironically.. you are pretty much look exactly like I thought you might..

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