What are the reasons one converts to the JW faith or stays in it? It seems that if the JWs believe that only the 144,000 have access to God... then how do the other sheep know what to do about this decision? Is their decision based upon their understanding of the scriptures and WT litarature only or do they seek some type of manifestation of the spirit or answer to prayer or personal revelation about joining?
Decision to join JW's
by SharonUT 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi SharonUT,
Glad to see you posted your questions out here.
The "other sheep" class join mostly based on the first set of criteria you mentioned, "their understanding of scriptures and WT literature". They are offered a hope of a paradise on earth "soon".
They feel that merely being associated with the 144,000 class is a privilege. Also, the discipline and rigid structure of the organization appeals to some who feel that need in their lives.
Others merely come in to the organization based on family relationships, so it's kind of a social thing for them.
Hope this helps a little. (I was raised in the organization, and stayed there until last year when I was age 39.)
GopherGod is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
Voltaire (1694-1778) -
For me, it was the whole "everlasting life" thing. I mean, who wouldn't want to live forever on a Paradise earth? It sounded too appealing to me.
I was also a 3rd generation JW, so I had a great deal of family influence. I basically felt while I was growing up that if I left the "truth", I would lose my family also.
Also, the thought that the Governing Body are being directed by God himself is another factor. The JWs basically think that Jehovah = the Society = Jehovah. So if you question the Society, you are seen to be questioning God. Hence, many won't allow themselves to question things, lest they question God in the process.
I hope this helps
So - are you encouraged to pray about the decision - about IF the WT speaks for God?
Never - that would indicate some kind of 'question' as to whether they were or not and that is the biggest no-no of all. You are taught to accept it without any thought.
The only time we were encouraged to pray about this matter was if WE OURSELVES had any doubts about the truthfulness of what the WTS teaches. If we had any such doubts, we were instructed to pray for more faith to either remove such doubts or wait until they got cleared up.
GopherGod is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
Voltaire (1694-1778) -
I was born into it, Sharon. And when you're raised thinking that something is "the" truth, you never think to question it. Not right away at least. That's why people carry around the impress of their parents, their role models for so long.
I guess you know how little ducks will imprint on a human just after they've hatched and will follow that human around as if it were a momma duck? Same kinda phenomena.
However, when I got in my early twenties, after having one foot in and one foot out for a number of years, and began to think for myself (another no-no in the JWs) and seeing all the cracks in the foundation of the society...well let's just say it was the beginning of the end.
And, because I was related to the CO, I got to see congregational issues from the inside and from behind the scenes. And it was ugly. And it was unjust, immoral, unethical, and very very unloving.
So I guess I'm not really qualifed to answer your question. I don't guess anyone here really is. We all left, after all.
My $0.02
Thanks all of you... each and every reply. That really helped me out. So, it seems they believe in answers to prayer for personal matters, but not to verify truth vs. error, huh?
Hi Sharon,
It was a pleasure to answer your questions. And in answer to your last question, my answer can only be "that is how I remember it". Best wishes in all your future endeavors!
GopherGod is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
Voltaire (1694-1778)