3 quotes about masterbation, blood and birthdays:
True, the words "masturbation" and "self-abuse" are not in the Bible. The Mosaic law speaks of "emission of semen," but as Bible commentators point out, the reference is to involuntary nocturnal emissions, not self-induced ejaculations. (Lev. 15:16) However, there are Bible principles that adequately cover the subject of masturbation.
Would the Biblical prohibition on blood cover medical uses, such as transfusions, which certainly were not known in the days of Noah, Moses, or the apostles? ... thinking people in past centuries realized that the Biblical law applied to taking blood into the veins just as it did to taking it into the mouth. Bartholin concluded: "Either manner of taking [blood] accords with one and the same purpose, that by this blood a sick body be nourished or restored."
Birthdays: The only two birthday celebrations spoken of in the Bible were held by persons who did not worship Jehovah. (Genesis 40:20-22; Mark 6:21, 22, 24-27) The early Christians did not celebrate birthdays. The custom of celebrating birthdays comes from ancient false religions. True Christians give gifts and have good times together at other times during the year
Our view of others is very limited compared to Jehovah?s, who reads the heart. (1 Chronicles 28:9) Appreciating this will prevent us from becoming modern-day, self-righteous Pharisees, trying to press people into our own man-made mold of righteousness in order that they might fit our concept of what is correct. If we try to see people as God sees them, we will not require more of them than he does. We will "not go beyond the things that are written." (1 Corinthians 4:6) This is especially important for Christian elders to take to heart.?1 Peter 5:2, 3