Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian" was on Sixty Minutes last week. He
made the unfortunate mistake of video taping one of the times in
which he successfully assisted a man who wanted his expertise. The
man had a terminal illness and had trouble breathing. He was
terrified of choking to death and had made the decision to get it over
I wonder how others feel about this. Kervorkian read a simple
statement to the man to make certain if the man fully understood
the gravity of what was about to happen. Since I'd taped the program,
I was able to take the time to write down exactly what it said. It read:
"I, ____________(your name), the undersigned, entirely
voluntarily and without any reservation, external persuasion,
pressure, or duress and after prolonged and thorough deliberation
hereby consent to the following medical procedure of my own
choosing. I choose direct injection (active euthanasia) to be
administered by a competent medical professional in order to
end with certainty my intolerable and hopelessly incurable suffering."
The interview included two of the man's brothers, his wife, and his mother,
all who held no ill-will toward Kervorkian. When you reach "your time," do
you feel you have the right to execute your own end? Interestingly, Kervorkian
uses the same drugs, in the same order, as the authorities when they execute
a criminal by lethal injection. The first puts you to sleep. The second stops the
breathing by paralyzing the muscles. The third stops the heart.
I'm all for it. If the gubment can decide for me, then I should be able to decide
for myself.