My only Easter Memory..

by Sassy 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    Because I was raised a JW, for the most part I wasn't allowed to participate in any holidays. Dad didn't study when mom did, so there was a little lattitude but not much. He pretty much let my mother raise us and handle the religion side of life and rules that went with it..

    But my one memory was when I was about 12 and my brother was 10 and sister 6. My dad's best friend gave us bunnies on Easter. One for each of us....

    One day we went out to the cage though and the bunnies were gone.. Something about us not taking good enough care of them and my dad gave them to this other friend of his who raised rabbits...

    One day not long later time for Sunday dinner....

    we had a different tasting meat at our table on Sunday..

    and when we pressed further.. you guessed it... RABBIT...

    of course I flew into a crying spasm over eating our baby bunnies...

    later my mom admitted it was indeed OUR rabbits!!

    I never forgot how horrible that was!! So that is my ONE EASTER MEMORY....(well that and sitting in the principles office while the kids in school had their parties)

  • Mulan

    I remember an Easter Egg Hunt at my grandparent's home when I was 4. That was the last Easter. I got an Easter basket that looked like a wicker laundry hamper, and it was full of jelly beans, a tiny doll and colored hard boiled eggs. It was on the front porch Easter morning, right where the bunny left it.

  • AnnOMaly
    we had a different tasting meat at our table on Sunday.. not quite chicken tasting....

    and when we pressed further.. you guessed it... RABBIT...

    later my mom admitted it was indeed OUR rabbits!!

    Sassy, that makes my eyes fill up. That was sooo cruel to do that to children's loved pets. My mom had something similar happen to her. She was given this cat/kitten by her parents, which she adored, and one day it disappeared. Some lame explanation was given, but she later found out they drowned it because they didn't want to look after it. I'm sorry that's your Easter memory.

  • copsec

    SASSY! I feel absolutely awful for you! I would have bawled my ever lovin eyes out! OH, what a horrible memory. BIG HUGS TO YOU!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Sassy... what a crappy thing to happen to a kid. Turn it around and start making happy Easter memories. It doesn't matter what your belief system. I consider myself a Christian, but don't go ballistic because of something so charming as children celebrating spring with the Easter bunny. I separate the two... I really respect the religious meaning, yet I think chocolate eggs and bunnies and watching little children having fun with the family is something very positive. Go out and buy yourself the biggest, baddest, chocolate bunny this side of Bethel.

  • galaxy7

    sassy i am so sorry for your horrible easter incident

    i remeber when i was 10 i had a pet chicken it was very tame and i enjoyed caring for it

    one day i came home from school to supper

    my dad said guess what we are having??

    he thought it was quite funny but i was heartbroken

  • 4JWY

    Sassy - goshhhhhhhhh! That is soooo sad - I ache for you.

    My best friend when I was growing up, lived on a farm and I used to love watching the cows be milked etc. - but, everytime I would stay overnight her mom would be in the kitchen, cooking up these GREAT smelling meals and it was always beef, potatoes and gravy etc. I NEVER could bring my self to eat that main course, 'cuz I just KNEW what it was from out in the barn.

    here's to happier bon apetites....


  • Sassy

    It is so ironic the things we remember... I remember holding those little bunnies in my arms... I would never have done that to my children..

    I wish I had better holiday memories.. but there were none of course since we were JWs and we weren't supposed to be celebrating..

  • simplesally

    We raised a sick lamb, Baa Baa. Nursed her back to health. Then one night, we had a real nice leg of lamb. We had a sick cow, Susie, we played with that calf ........the calf the cow left to die, we had nursed her back to health, fed her by hand and let her suckle our fingers. One night we had veal.

    Same story, same ending.

    Its so sad when you know who you are eating............... Sorry Sassy.

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